Chapter 8

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*Ponyboys POV*
I groaned as I sat up. I looked around and realized it was Monday.

We had to go to court today...

"Ponyboy you're awake!" Dally said and ran over to me and hugged me tight.

I hugged him tight back.

"What happened to me?" I asked.

" Oh had a panic attack. Afterwards, the cops came and arrested them. For good. We gotta see them in court today. Are you sure your up for it? " he asked.

"Yeah I'm sure. Hey where's everyone?" I asked.

" Oh. They are all at they're houses getting ready for today. Soda and Darry are to. " Dally said.

"Ok. Can we get ready?"

" Yeah . C'mon babe. " he said.


After everyone was ready, they all came over and we walk went to the court house to see what would happen.

Before I walked in, Darry stopped me and asked if I was ready.

"Yeah. I am." I said.

" Ok. Let's go. " he said.


It was finally my turn to testify.

When I got the stand, the Judge asked me to state my name, age, and where I went to school.

"My name is Ponyboy Curtis, I'm 14, and I go to Tulsa Highschool." I said.

" Ok Ponyboy, could you in your words, tell us what happened. " the Judge said.

" and my boyfriend were walking around and he had to stop and go inside for something. I wasn't allowed to go in so I waited. Then David and Carlos and Ben came along and they threw me into the car and I blacked out." I said steadily.

" Ok...can you tell us who you're boyfriend is? " the Judge said.

I looked at Dally and he slightly nodded.

"D-dallas Winston sir." I said.

"Ok. Can you tell us what happened next?"

" I woke up in an apartment and I was tied to a bed. It was cold and then Carlos came in and he got naked and then he...h-he.. " I trailed off.

"I understand that this is difficult to talk about but we need to know so we can know what to do about it." the Judge said.

"Ok.." I said. " He raped me and then Ben and David came in and did the same...until I was bleeding. " I said.

"Ok. Thank you Ponyboy. Your dismissed." the Judge said.

I got down and walked back to where the gang was. I sat next to Dal and he held my hand.


After a bit, the jury said that Carlos, Ben and, David were sentenced to life imprisonment.

I was so happy.

When we got home, Dally said he wanted to drive my to school tomorrow.

"Promise?" I said.

" I promise baby" he said.


The next day, he drove me to school.

This went on for the next three years of my high school life and he had also gotten a job.

I was glad he turned his life around.

When we got home, he wanted to take me somewhere.

"C'mon baby, I wanna take you somewhere. It's a surprise." Dal said.

He put a blindfold on me and we drove somewhere.

When we got there and got out of the car, he asked me to wait a minute.

" can take it off." he said.

I took off the blindfold and gasped.

Dal was on his knee and holding out a ring.

"Ponyboy Michael Curtis....I have been in love with you for as long as I could remember. Will you make me the happiest man in the world and marry me?" he asked.

I was crying tears of joy.



Hi. I will make another chapter later. Bai for now.
Word Count: 620

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