Chapter 3

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*RAPE later on..* Proceed with caution...

*Ponyboys POV*
*2 hours later*

I woke up in Dals arms and saw him watching TV.

"Hey babe. How was your little nap." he chuckled.

"Fine." I replied.

" Hey wanna take a walk you and me? " he asked.

"Sure." I replied getting up.

"Ok. I'll go tell Darry." Dal responded.


Dally and I were walking for a bit and he wanted to go inside a bar that I wasn't allowed to.

"Ok babe, I'll be right back. I'm going grab some beer and sodas and be right out Stay right here ok." he said.

"Ok." I replied.

He went in and a few seconds later, some Socs came around in a car.

"Hey greaser! C'mon with us." one said.

" N-No. " I stuttered.

"Well than..get him boys."

I then felt myself being pulled to the car.I

"DALLY! HELP HELP; DALLY!" I screamed hoping to God he could hear.

I saw him run out and try to get to me before everything went black.

*Dally POV*
I was paying for my stuff when I dissenters Ponyboy scream.


I ran as fast as I could but before I could get to him, he got knocked out and they drove off with Pony in the trunk.

Oh no...oh god...

I saw a payphone and called Darry. He picked up.

"Darry I need help! I'm so sorry and you can kill me later but some Socs took Pony man. Those hazards took him!" I sobbed.

" Where are you. " he said frantically.

"I'm at Coolmans on Surrey come quickly." I said.

"Ok meet us at the lot." Darry replied.

" Ok. " I said and hung up.

Pony please be ok.....


*Ponyboys POV*

I woke up naked and tied to a bed in some apartment. Then I remembered.

Oh no.

"I see your finally awake." someone says.

"Who are you! " I yelled.

"Shut up fag! My name's Carlos and your gonna remember it." Carlos said.

He started to strip until he was naked completely.

Then he got in top of me and without warning, started pounding into me.

I screamed in pain as he kept thrusting.

After a while, he came. Then two other guys who I found out were David and Ben, did the same exact thing and they all kept doing it until I bled.

They finally untied me and left me on the cold floor with only my boxers.

I cried and cried.

Dally where are you?

That was sad to write....but I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Bai peeps.

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