Chapter Two

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"RISE AND SHINE NICHOLAS!!!" Mavis yelled, bursting into Nicholas's bedroom. He yelped and fell onto the floor.

"WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?!" He yelled at her, lifting his head to look at the clock. It was 6:30 in the evening and the sun was just setting.

"We have to get on the road." Mavis said, helping Nicholas off of the floor.

"Why do we have to get up so early?" He asked.

"So we can beat traffic," Mavis explained, stepping out of his room, "meet me downstairs when your dressed and bring your bag." He got dressed and grabbed his duffle bag. He headed downstairs and saw a rental mini van sitting outside.

"Why did we rent a car?" He asked.

"The trunk is bigger," Mavis said, taking his bag and putting it in the trunk, "your in the middle row." He opened the door for the middle row and saw Tiffany sitting on the far right.

"I'm not spending four hours in this car with that little demon." He said.

"Be nice." Somebody from the back back demanded, He peeked back and saw his parents sitting together.

"How's you get stuck back there?" He asked.

"Long story," Drac sighed, "Just get in the car." Nicholas got in the car and sat down. Tiffany had on headphones and was scrolling through something on her phone. She silently looked at him and then back at her phone without a word.

Maybe this trip won't be so bad. He thought as Johnny got in the driver seat and Mavis got in the passenger's seat. Mavis pulled out her phone and typed in the address for the camp on Google Maps. "Looks like this is going to be a long ride." She said as Johnny started the engine.

"How long do you mean?" Ericka asked.

"Four and a half hours." Mavis said.

"Can I get out of the car now?" Nicholas asked, grabbing the handle for the car door.

"This is a family trip so you will stay in this car until it reaches its destination." Ericka said in a stern but motherly voice. Nicholas did an annoyed sigh, but didn't argue. Johnny drove across the bridge and through the woods. They hit the interstate about a half hour in. Nicholas didn't want to have a conversation with anybody so he started to text Zoey:

Nicholas: Hey Zoey

Zoey: Hey babe, whatcha doing rn?

Nicholas: In the car with my fam

Zoey: Sounds like fun

Nicholas: I wish you could of came

Zoey: Me too

Nicholas: I feel someone breathing on my neck

Zoey: It's probably whoever is sitting behind you

Nicholas: Like who?

Zoey: Your mom?

"How'd she know?" Ericka said, causing Nicholas to jump,

"Why are you reading my texts?" He yelped, trying to keep his cool.

"Because i can." She said

"YOU CAN'T JUST READ MY TEXTS!" He yelled, losing his temper.

"I AM YOUR MOTHER!" She said, leaning over the seat, "I GAVE BIRTH TO YOU! I PUT YOU IN THIS WORLD I CAN TAKE YOU OUT-" Drac pulled her back before she could continue,

"Are you trying to start a fight?" Drac asked.

"I'm trying to prove a point." She grumbled, crossing her arms.

Camp Illusion (FanFic) (Third book in Epilogue Series)Where stories live. Discover now