Chapter Seven

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Nicholas groaned and slowly opened his eyes. He looked around and saw that he wasn't in the cabin anymore. He blinked and sat up. It was just complete darkness. Where am I? He thought as he stood up and felt and blaring pain in his knee. He looked down and he suddenly felt nauseous. He looked up again, but now he couldn't see anything out of his eyes. He heard crickets surrounding him on all sides and he started to gain his vision back. He was now in the forest. The pain in his knee had dwindled, so he started to walk. He looked around and watched the fireflies fly around in the treetops. He saw it was night time and that he was all alone. "Hello?" He asked. The crickets got louder to fill the silence following his voice. He continued to walk and heard a creek up ahead. He found the creek as he started to feel nauseous again. He gently sat on his knees and splashed some of the water on his face. He took a breath, but froze when he heard a voice come from the forest,

"Nicholas...Nicholas is that you?" That sounds awfully a lot like Zoey. He thought as he shakily got up. "Nicholas?" The voice asked again, but it was closer.

"Zoey?" He asked, starting to walk towards the voice.

"Nicholas!" The voice said louder, as it started to run towards him. He started to run, but careful not to hurt his knee. He saw a figure running closer through the trees. He saw Zoey's brown hair and small figure getting closer. He ran around a tree and skidded to a stop. She had disappeared. He looked around, confused. Then another voice started to talk to him,

"HELP! SOMEONE HELP!" It was Zoey again. How'd she get over there so fast? He thought, starting to jog over to the sound of her voice. He got closer and saw that she was up against a tree. He went around a bush and saw that she was tied to a tree. "Nicholas!" She said, a smile popping onto her face. He got closer, and her smile suddenly vanished, "NICHOLAS LOOK OUT!" She yelled. He spun around, and something very heavy slammed into his face, sending him flying back.

"What are you doing here?" A rough voice asked as he started to get up off the ground. He turned his head and saw Steve, scratching his abnormally long claws onto a tree, leaving deep marks. Nicholas stumbled up and Steve elbowed him in the chin and raked his claws across his face. Nicholas fell back into the creek, his blood staining the water red. He tried to move his arms and legs to swim, but they felt like dead weights. He sank lower and lower into the red water, and the last thing he saw was Steve looking at him from above the water. The world went black.

Nicholas gasped and opened his eyes and saw that he was sitting on a concrete surface with just nothing for miles. He could see up to about ten feet from him, but there was just nothing. Nothingness. For miles upon miles. He got up and started to walk around. The air suddenly chilled and he rubbed his arms rapidly to gain body heat. Then he felt like he was being watched by many eyes coming from the darkness. Then a figure was walking up to him. He stopped walking and watched the humanoid figure get closer to him. It looked like a mannequin, and it walked stiffly closer to him. It had no face. It stopped in front of him and looked at him, without any eyes. Nicholas looked at the necklace around the mannequins neck. It noticed him looking at the necklace and pointed at it with one of it's fingers. Nicholas hesitantly grabbed the blank medallion on the necklace and turned it over. It was a small, black and white symbol of a little boy. But it had three red marks slashed across the boy, and the marks were dripping. He was confused but the mannequin didn't say or do anything. It just backed up, not moving its head, back into the shadows. Nicholas saw another mannequin walking up to him like a robot. It stopped and pointed at the medallion around its neck. Nicholas turned it over and saw a tombstone with a skull black and white symbol. "What.." Nicholas trailed off as the mannequin abruptly started to back up quickly. He stood uneasily as hundreds of red dots shone through the darkness surrounding him. One by one, the mannequins started to walk out of the darkness and they started to surround him. Now they had red glowing dots on their blank faces, pulsing with anger. They all flipped over their medallions and they continued to get closer. Each medallion had a black and white symbol of something. One of a piece of paper with a bunch of numbers at the bottom, another of a person underneath something, struggling to get out of the tight space, another of a person falling, one of someone drowning. The mannequins started to crowd Nicholas shoving the medallions in his face as if they wanted him to look at them. "I don't know what's going on!" He cried out in confusion as more and more mannequins started to appear.

Camp Illusion (FanFic) (Third book in Epilogue Series)Where stories live. Discover now