After Credit

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-A month later-

The sun was setting in a fiery blaze and was sinking below the horizon as Nicholas led Zoey to a small little area next to a secluded lake. There was a little gazebo with a bench on the inside and they sat down. "What's going on?" Zoey asked as Nicholas let go of her hand and sat next to her, his face brimming with emotion.

"You know," Nicholas said, staring at the sunset, "I've wanted to say these words since I saw you in that hallway."

She stared at him, confused, "What?" She said as he got down on one knee,

"Zoey Walkinson," Nicholas said, taking a small box out of his pocket, opening it showing a sparkling diamond ring, "Will you marry me?"

She gasped and put her hands over her mouth. "I...I...I.." She stuttered, looking at the ring in disbelief. Ericka and Drac were on the other side of the lake doing bird watching and Drac had the binoculars. He spotted his son down on one knee proposing. "OH MY GOD!" He yelled, but not loud enough for them to hear him.

"What?" Ericka asked, taking the binoculars from him. "OH MY GOD!" She yelled as well, "OUR SON IS PROPOSING!" Zoey was still stunned, and Nicholas waited nervously for her reply.

"I...YES!" She said suddenly, causing Nicholas's face to light up with joy. He stood up, slipped the ring onto her finger, and passionately kissed her.

They eventually broke apart with happy grins on their faces. "I can't believe I'm engaged!" She said happily, gazing at the ring "Me either!" He replied. They stared at each other and let the last rays of the sun cast over them.

"There is something I want to tell you as well." She added, looking up at him in his eyes.

"What is it?" He asked. She took a step away from him.

"What are they doing?" Ericka asked, looking through the binoculars at them.

"Gimme." Drac said, looking through the binoculars.

"Well.." She started, looking down at the ground, then back up at him, "You're...going to be a dad." She rested a hand on her stomach while saying that. He was even more stunned than her when he was proposing,

"W-w-what?" He said.

"Your going to be a dad," She repeated, "the test was positive." He suddenly hugged her very tightly.

"What do you think is going on?" Drac asked, giving the binoculars back to Ericka. "It looks like Zoey got ants crawling all over her."

Then Nicholas yell so loud that it echoed all throughout the forest, "I'M GOING TO BE A DAD!"

"WHAT?!" They both yelled from across the lake. Nicholas saw them and quickly told Zoey to follow him back to the hotel before nightfall as his parents started to run after them.

They ran through the forest as night started to cast it's darkness over the land. When they were almost halfway to the hotel, Zoey started to get tired and started to lag behind. Nicholas saw this and stopped running. He walked back to her who was standing with her hands on her knees and was breathing hard. "I'm..Fine." She panted. He didn't say anything, he just smiled and scooped her up in his arms. She was surprised, but didn't fight as he took off running again through the forest. They burst through the hotel doors and ran through the lobby, making everybody stare at them. Tiffany was sitting on one of the couches with a phone up to her ear,

"So how are you doing tonight Tiffany?" A teenage boy asked on the other end.

"I'm doing ok," She replied, "how about you, Anthony?" She noticed her brother running through the lobby with Zoey in his arms and she stood up.

"Well, I could be better-" Anthony started to talk but Tiffany cut him off,

"I might have to call you back." She said.

"Oh, alright." He said with a sad hint to his voice, but Tiffany didn't noticed or didn't cared as she hung up the phone. She went over to Nicholas who had put Zoey onto the floor.

"Why are you guys so peppy?" She asked.

"We're engaged!" They both cheered, showing her the ring on Zoey's finger. Tiffany's mouth gaped, but Zoey wasn't done talking,

"And I'm pregnant!" Zoey said happily, making Tiffany's mouth drop to the floor.

"NICHOLAS JAMES DRACULA!!!" A voice bellowed on the other side of the hotel lobby. Nicholas cringed at his full name being yelled at him,

"What mom?" He asked as Ericka stormed up to him.

"WHAT WERE YOU THINKING?!" She scolded him.

"I WANTED TO PROPOSE TO HER SO I DID!" He retorted, holding Zoey's hand, "WHAT'S THE PROBLEM?!"

"No, not that," Ericka said, "congratulations, I MEAN GETTING HER PREGNANT!"

"I don't see the problem with that as long as we're both in on it." Nicholas said.


"You know what that means," Tiffany piped up into the conversation, "SHOTGUN WEDDING!!!"

The end!



Thank you guys so much for reading! I hoped you enjoyed! And stay tuned for the next book!

Camp Illusion (FanFic) (Third book in Epilogue Series)Where stories live. Discover now