Chapter Five

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They sat down for dinner and Pegasus went up to the front of the room, "How was your day?" She asked the campers.

"Amazing!" One team said.

"Exciting!" Another team said.

"It sounds like you all have fun!" Pegasus said. The teams cheered and she quieted them down. "So, every night starting about an hour after dinner we do something we call 'The Hunt'." All of the teams looked at her with questionable expressions. "Let me explain," She said, " 'The Hunt' is a scavenger hunt in the woods after sunset. And i know that i said not to go into the forest without a buddy, but during this event, the counselors will be scattered through the forest. So if you get lost you can just yell for us. During the scavenger hunt, you will be looking for a jumbo puzzle piece. At the end of the week, if you collect all of them, they would make a picture!" The teams mumbled something and went back to listening. She explained that one person would be chosen for each night by the camp and started to read off names for that night, "For the Crusaders, Andrew. Gladiators: Bryan. Survivors: Lynn. Slayers: Robin. Warriors: Mavis."

"I guess i'm up first." Mavis said.

"That wraps it up," Pegasus said, "once you finish eating, head back to your cabin and meet me in front of the forest for the challenge in about an hour!" She walked into the kitchen and the teams finished up eating. They all walked out of the Dining hall in a large lump of people and headed back to their cabins. On their way back, they saw all of the camp counselors except for Chestnut and Pegasus walking into the forest, and something seemed off. They faded from view as they entered the forest. All of the teams went their separate ways when they entered their cabins.

"I think i can find that puzzle piece." Mavis said, cracking her neck.

"I think you should get some rest." Johnny said. Mavis looked at him like she was about to argue but then yawned,

"I guess your right." She said, getting off of the couch and heading over to her bunk. After she fell asleep, they all decided to get some sleep as well.

They woke up to the sound of a horn being blown in the distance. They woke Mavis up and left the cabin. They saw Pegasus standing next to a red line on the ground right in front of the forest. The four other competitors were lined up waiting for Mavis to start. She jogged up to the line and waited for Pegasus to give the sign to go. Pegasus pointed the revolver at the sky and pulled the trigger. The four contestants ran off into the woods in different directions. Mavis stopped running to check some bushes to see if the puzzle piece was hiding there. Nothing. She searched in that area for a few more minutes, but didn't find anything. The crickets seemed to get louder every seconds, but when she turned around the sound faded. She felt a pair of eyes burning into her from behind. She whipped around, and saw nothing. Something darted through the forest and she saw a black figure darting behind a tree.

"Uh..Counselor?" She said.

"What's the problem?" A voice asked from behind. She spun around and saw Chestnut standing there.

"Oh..there is something behind that tree." She said, looking at the tree and trying not to sound like a scardy cat. He looked behind the tree and said that there was nothing there. He told her that she had five minutes left, and disappeared into the shadows. Weird... She thought as she ran to another area. The thing behind the tree followed her stealthily. She felt the eyes burning into her again and looked behind. A tall figure was standing next to a tree. He was wearing all black and looking at her with glowing blue eyes. Another figure was standing behind him and was tugging on his crossed arms. The shorter figure looked like a female and was trying to tug him away. He wouldn't budge. He looked at the female figure and seemed to talk. She talked back and he looked back at Mavis. She suddenly recognized the two people. It was Dracula and Ericka. Ericka tugged him again and this time he gave away. She tugged him behind the tree and Mavis ran over to them. She looked behind the tree, and her face fell. They weren't there. She heard a laugh and looked around the tree. She saw them again. Ericka was pushing Drac behind another tree and saw Mavis staring at her. Ericka gave her a little wicked smile and slid behind the tree. Mavis heard a few scrapes and then silence. She ran over to the tree and peeked behind it. Nothing. "THIS ISN'T FUNNY!" She yelled. She saw a small smear of blood on the tree, but didn't care about it. She saw Ericka leading Drac behind another tree and tried to grab her father's hand. She missed and fell onto the forest floor. She looked at her hand and saw that it was slick with blood. She scanned her hand for cuts, but didn't see any. She started to get up, but something hit her in the back of the head; knocking her out cold. She opened her eyes and heard a horn blowing. Why am i on the ground? She thought, standing up. She looked around and remembered that she was supposed to get a puzzle piece. She looked up and saw the piece balancing on a branch. She was mad, but didn't want to disobey the rules. She headed back to the starting point and saw that three of the other people had a puzzle piece. Even Robin had one. "This is humiliating." She mumbled. But the other person who didn't have a piece, wasn't there. Pegasus sent out two camp counselors to go find them. Pegasus told them that they all did a good job and told them to get back to their cabins before curfew. Mavis went back with Johnny and saw Nicholas and Tiffany silently starring at each other inside of the cabin. One in their bunk, the other on the couch. "Wait," Mavis said, checking the back room. They weren't there, "Were's my dad?" Johnny froze,

Camp Illusion (FanFic) (Third book in Epilogue Series)Where stories live. Discover now