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Walking into school, I sighed quietly to myself.

Trust me, I love being able to go to UA, it's just that, being the biological child of № 3 pro hero, Hawks, isn't always a good thing.

My mom left us, so he raised me all by himself plus had to work to become a pro hero, yeah, I feel bad too.

The quirk I was born with is actually a lot like my dad's.

I have retractable wings that, much like him, I can control. The difference is, I can't control each and every little feather just yet, dad said that comes with training.

My wings are red, just like my dad's so that's a plus I guess.

Now, I am aware I was just a one night drunk hook up in highschool (Don't do that math) But it's whatever.

I was pulled from my thoughts by a rough push into the wall. Oh, did I mention I get bullied?

"Stupid Deku, bet your daddy paid to get you in this school! Huh!" How original.

"If your gonna insult me, at least come up with your own instead of stealing one from a six year old like you did her bike and lollipop." I said blandly, staring up at him.

He made sparks in his hands as a warning.

I ignored him and kept walking.

Bad idea! Bad idea!

He pinned me to the ground, one hand on my neck and the other sending off sparks by my ear.

Of course, with my hearing, it hurt like hell but I blocked it out as I blacked out from lack of Oxygen.

I woke up in Mr. Aizawa's office, laying over two chairs with my head on someone's lap.

I mumbled a little bit, but it hurt to talk.

Someone put a hand in my hair, making me open my eyes.

I looked up to see my dad. Sitting up and looking around, I saw Aizawa and ... Shinso?

I turned back to my dad confused, trying desperately to remember the sign language he taught me for fun.

'Whats happing?' I managed to sign, watching his expression carefully.

"Can you hear me?" He asked, looking, nervous? He's never nervous. This has to be bad.

'A little. It's kind of hard though.' I signed back.

His face paled and he didn't answer, so I grabbed a paper off the desk along with a pen and franticly got to writting.

'What's going on?' I wrote, passing it to Aizawa.

He said something, but it was to quiet for me to hear and he didn't form words good enough for me to be able to read his lips.

'Can you repeat that? a little louder?' I wrote again, passing it to him.

"Shinso found you passed out in the hall way. He brought you here, so we called your father. We just need to know why you were out cold in the hallway." He finished, glancing at Shinso.

Oh, forgot he was here.

I gave him a small smile and he signed 'hello', which made me smile even more. He knows sign language, thank God.

'Kacchan was picking on me and when I tried to walk away, he pinned me to the ground and I heard really loud sounds, then I ran out of air. That's all I remember.' I wrote out, glancing at my still nervous father.

I watched as Aizawa muttered something that, again, I couldn't catch. I looked to Shinso for help and all he said was 'Nothing important'. I nodded and looked back to Aizawa.

He had a file sitting on his desk, as he flipped through all the pages in it. He kept talking to himself.

He stopped on a page, and brought it up to show shinso.

Name: Katsuki Bakugou
Dorm number: 463

He said something, and Shinso left the room, I assume to go get Kacchan. Oh no.

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