Chapter 1

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I felt cool, smooth concrete pressed against my cheek.

My forehead was being dabbed with a damp rag.

I groaned and turned over.

"Hello, love." A girl's whispering voice greeted me. "Welcome to hell."

"I wasn't already in it?"

She chuckled.

As my vision focused, I noticed her blonde hair hadn't been cut in a while. But, somehow, it looked brushed.

Her hazel eyes were dull but there was a little rebellious spark in them.

"What's your name?" I asked, hazily.

"Names are a little secret around here. You can call me Ginger."

"Why Ginger?"

"I'm a big retro tv shows fan." She smiled. "And MaryAnn just doesn't suit me."

"Well, in that case, call me..." I thought for a second. "Piper."

"Okay then Piper, looks like you got a massive egg on your head."

I raised an eyebrow.

"It means you have a lump on your forehead. The Team probably hit your head on something." She continued dabbing my forehead.

I tried to sit up and my head started to ache.

"I wouldn't do that. The blood will rush right out of your head." Ginger advised.

I laid back down and looked around the room.

Dozens of other people lined the floor.

We were all literally behind bars.

"What are all these people doing here?"

"Same thing as you. Captives." She looked around the room and sighed. "The Team all know exactly where our family/friends are. If we run, they invade.

"I'm guessing 'The Team' are the people who took me."

Ginger nodded.

"Sometimes, if you're lucky, you can persuade a guard to send a letter to your family. He'll look at it first, of course, but it's still communication."

"How do I persuade them?"

"Well, either hope for pity or make an offer."

I glanced at the guard. He was a young man, maybe Jordan's age.

"Wish me luck."

I stepped around the dusty people and up to the bars.

"Hey." I greeted.

"What do you want?"

"I was just wondering if I could write to my only family for the last time."

"It's against the rules."

"I'm sure you have someone special to you. If you were separated from them, would you not do anything to write to them just one last time?"

The guard huffed.

He tore a piece of paper off a pad in his pocket and handed it to me along with a pen.

"Be quick about it."

I began to scribble the letter, using the wall as a table.

'To Jordan, I'm fine, although it's hard to move.
To Julio, I miss you, but I might never see the-
Never mind.
To Bee, I'm really sorry that I'll never come back to the base.

Love you all,

I handed the hastily written letter and he read it.

He nodded.

"Checks out. I'll get the coordinates of your base and deliver this."

I smiled.

"Thank you."

I made my way back to Ginger.

"You did it!" She whispered, smiling.


The reason I was smiling so much was not because of a petty letter sent to ease my friends and brother.

I was smiling because of a few particular words.

'To Jordan, I'm fine, although it's hard to move.
To Julio, I miss you, but I might never see the-
Never mind.
To Bee, I'm really sorry that I'll never come back to the base.

Love you all,

Hey dere! Sadie here!

So that's the opening chapter!

New character, new setting (kinda), and already a hatched escape plan.

Hope you guys enjoyed!


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