Chapter 3

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We walked for what seemed like hours.

The road in front of us became a white sheet.

Riley started shivering so we stopped to try to make a fire.

After about twenty minutes of trying to find firewood, we gave up and I gave Ginger my jacket to put Riley in.

Ginger's nose and cheeks were bright red from the bitter cold. My toes and fingers felt numb.

Gunshots rang.

"How the fuck-?" I started.

Ginger covered my mouth and dragged me into a nearby building.

The little spat wore on for about a half an hour.

The gunfire ceased and I peeked outside our shelter.

"Clear, we can go." I reported. Ginger kissed Riley's head and stood up.

We started walking again.

A snowy hill, that used to be a rode for cars, stretched in front of us.

A color appeared at the top of the hill.

Another color appeared next to it.

That's when I realized those colors were winter hats.

I stopped Ginger.

We turned and started running.

I looked over my shoulder.

It was a group of eight.

One of them looked like he was being held at gunpoint.

I slowed down and caught Ginger's wrist.

"What are you doing, Piper? We have to run!"

"That's my group, Ginger!" I shouted back at her as I ran towards them.

Julio's face appeared and he ran towards me to meet me halfway.

The distance between us was about to close when a gunshot was heard. We stopped dead in our tracks.

I looked around to see who was shot.

Everyone looked at me in fear.

I looked down to see blood running from my hip down my leg.

I tried to take a step forward and collapsed on my side.

Even through my hazy vision I could see a man covered in blood, probably injured, sitting in the alley to my left. Holding up a gun.

I felt a jacket wrap around me. I heard yelling but I couldn't make out words.

Another gunshot and the man in the alley slumped over.

I heard panicked voices and Riley's whimper and arguments.

All I could feel was the numbing pain in my side and the freezing snow.

I became aware that I was being held.

I made out Julio's face in the blur and smiled.

He smiled back and held my hand.

He pushed a piece of hair of my face.

"I missed you." He whispered.

I squeezed his hand a little.

"I missed you too." I whispered back.

He kissed my forehead as I fell asleep.



oh and also Jay got shot, but we'll get into that


Funny story, actually.

Originally, Julio was supposed to get shot and die and Jay was supposed to get pissed but I couldn't think of another good love interest so I did this instead :D

You're welcome!

So, anyways, Jay was shot.

That's a thing.

Idk how I felt about it, I feel like I could've written it better :/





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