Chapter 29

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She nipped at his neck, and Nigel tried to Control his raging hard on.

He really couldn't go cave man on her could he ?"he reasoned.

His sanity was slipping away slowly, he had to stop her before she made a mistake she would regret.

He didn't want to be the guy who had taken advantage of her.

Others could not see it but her eyes told a story of betrayal and pain.

He was not a stranger to pain.

He knew how that felt like, his world had come crushing when he had caught his ex- fiancée in bed with his childhood friend.

His heart had been shattered, he didn't even have the strength to fight no , he wasn't the violent type but that day had awoken a beast he had never thought he had.

He held Kara in his arms like a babe would, and told her that he would wait until she was ready.

He knew how to make a woman feel loved.

He told her that she was worthwhile and that they needed to get to know each other better.

He didn't want them to rush, pleasure would soon follow but he was raised a traditional man.

It was marriage first then sex.

He didn't want to scare her by talking of marriage, Hope had hinted to him that she loathed that word and babies too.

It was a little bit funny seeing Kara's relief when ever Junior was far from her.

He never knew why babies scared her, the only thing she would tell him was that they exude stench and puke so that was enough to dislike them.

He wanted her to need and want him.

He would wait until she was ready.

A year later and Kara was walking down the isle, she was such a gorgeous bride.

Her parents attended her wedding because they had patched things up, it's not like everything was perfect but it takes time for old wounds to heal.

Her father walked her down the isle he could have never been so proud of his daughter.

He understood that she had needed to find herself before she reconnected with her past.

Nigel was there to help her every step of the way and now they will be together for the rest of their lives.

Those words were wants daunting to Kara she didn't understand why people had to get married or have children when they could ruin them.

Now she is knew that if she had not gone through the pain she had gone through then she wouldn't be a strong person.

There is nothing in her past she could think to change.

It's human nature to want to place a blame on people or God. We often ask so many questions like why did he let this happen but if we are true to ourselves we realize that sometimes we put ourselves in harms way.

Kara learnt to accept this and her faith in God grew because she knew that had it not been for him she would have been dead, atleast she got a chance to a redo.

A chance to make things right and to a better life.

When she was told by her Pastors that one day she would be happy she never believed it.

She often looked at her image in the mirror with disgust and contempt. Today it was a different day her destiny had changed though she had met many wrongs in her life the past held nothing to her, it couldn't control her like it did no.

She was free to dream , she was like a caged bird finally flying away.

She had found her happiness.

When she walked down the isle he saw how beautiful Kara was , even his family was happy that he was settling down.

He had never seen such a beautiful bride than her, such a magnificent sight.

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