struguling for forgiveness

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"I know itll be hard for you to forgive me peridot but im sorry i really am" i said trying to be as sincere as posible.

"Look i just cant with this right now" she angrily said and went to her bed.

I sigued and fell asleep on my bed thinking about peridot.

The next day...

I woke up to find that peridot was nowhere to be seen and then it bit me, classes start today i started panicking but then i remembered that my acting  classes start later today, yes i know i lapis lazuli an actress but i really enjoy it.

I relaxed and started watching the TV, later i checked the time on my phone and saw that it was about time i got ready, i put on a dark blue hoodie and some jeans and grabed a notebook that the class asked for.

I made it to the place and took a seat.

Four hours later

The class was pretty interesting it was mostly about telling everyone that they are amazing and motivating us, they also told us we would be doing a really big play later in the year.

On my way to my dorm i started to think about peridot, she's probably at the dorm by now.

I thought about how i was going to make peridot forgive me, i thought about maybe a card, nah not to straight forward, seems like im gonna have to give her a BIG ASS apology i started to think on what to say.

I got to the dorm and i opened the door, i saw peridot sat down on her desk working.

"Hey" i said feeling nervous, she didnt respond .

"Look peridot just let me talk to you" i said feeling desperate.

She sighed and spun around.

"What" she said with and anoyed voice.

"Peridot i am so sorry for what i did in the past nobody especially you deserbed that please peridot just forgive me" i said looking down and sweting bullets.

She had a face of disbelief which i dont know if thats good or not.

" do you actually think i would just forgive you after all youve done to me"she said with anger boiling inside of her.

"Well i can atleast try" i said trying to get through her, then i could tell something in her snapped.

"This is what you did to me " she said as she pulled up her sleeves and what i saw next made me tear up.


Here is a new update and i am so sorry i took awhile i was just busy.

Aniways see ya.

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