Going public

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Lapis POV

This ia great, peri and i being together and all, i wish we could lay here forever. But obviously that isnt possible, i thought as i heard peri's phone ringing.

"Its pearl" she said as i nodded.


"Okay when"

"Ok thats fine see you guys then" she said as she hung up.

"What she want" i said looking at her with one eye.

"She said that the her and the others are coming over" she said.

"Why?" I asked and she shrugged.

"So are we going to tell them about us? I asked.

"Well i wouldnt mind but do you want to?" She said tilting her head.

"I mean i guess thats fine" i said. "Especially since everybody would know that your mine" i whispered under my breath.

"What was that" she said staring at me.

"Oh nothing" i said looking away, and she just sat down on her bed.

"So" i rested my head on her lap as i laid down on her bed.

"What should we do while we wait" i looked at her with flirty eyes. She smirked as we leaned in closer and my face was heating up, i could almost feel the warm of her lips-


"Hey yo open up" we jumped as we heard anethyst screaming. I gave a angry face and peri opened the door.

"Heeeeeeeeeey" amethyst said as the others just smiled behind her.

They entered and sat down.

"So yestetday was fun" amethyst said.

"Right P" she said looking at pearl, and pearl looked line she had failed at something.

"You and pearl got real drunk" i said teasing.

"Yeah we did" amethyst said almost proud.

"I DIDNT MEAN TO" pearl said angrily.

"But you did" garnet said as everyone laughed.

"So peridot why did you and lapis leave so early" i heard steven ask with a teasing smirk as connie had one too. Me and peridot blushed a little bit, i signaled to peridot that we should tell them now.

"So we got something to say to confess" peri said stamding up as i did too.

" *gaaaaaasp* are you a couple" connie said with a big smile.

One big explanation of the previos events later

"So we are a couple now" i said and peridot was a blushing mess.

"Okay everybody pay up" amethyst said looking at everyone.

"Dang it" connie said.

"Fine" pearl said.

"Here" garnet said.

"I cant believe it" steven said

Me and lapis just stood there with confused faces.

"Oh amethyst made a bet in the morning that you two confessed" steven explained.

"God damnit amy" peri said and i just started giggling.


Hey sorry ive been late to updating ive just been uninspired lately.


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