Are we ...?

291 11 1

Peridot POV

I woke up to my alarm, i streched my arm to turn it of and it was very hard since i have to deal with lapis holding on to me with a strong yet gentle grip.

I laid back and looked at her face and took in her features, her taned smooth skin, her hair that smells to ocean i said as i played with her hair a little, and those ocean blue eyes, whait what, i noticed lapis was awake and staring at me.

"Good morning cutie" she said, then i remembered our kiss, my first kiss actually.

I grumbled and she giggled and stood up.

"Ouch" she said as she grabbed her head.

"Oh right hangovers" she said as she laid down again.

"Ill get you some water" i said standing up and going to the kitchen, i brought it over and gave it to her.

"Thanks" she said with a smile as she chugged her water.

"So peri" she said with a slight smile and a blush.

"Yeah" i said.

"So are we like you know" she said trailing off as i immedeatly knew what she was refering to.

"Well i mean only if you want to" i said really wanting to get her aproval.

"Okay, peridot will you be my girlfriend" she said interwining her fingers with mine.

"Ofcourse" i said locking my eyes with her and then she got closer to me and we locked our lips together.

Oh my stars i cant believe this, she used to be the person i hated the most and now one of the people i value the most.

She tilted her head to deepen the kiss as i complied, she started exploring my mouth with her tongue, then we released.

Lapis POV

"Ill make us some breakfast" i said going to the kitchen and making some scrambled eggs while she scrolled through her phone.

I served it and we ate.

"This is really good" peridot said soaring through the eggs.

"Thanks glad you like them" i said with a blush on mh face.

"So peri" i said looking at her.

"Yes lapis" she said.

"Should we tell the others about like you know us" i said looking at her.

"Yeah i guess, i mean theres no point in hiding it" she said and i just nodded.

We finshed and i stood up.

"Wanna watch some netflix?" I said.

"Umm yeah, the others will probably come later or something.

We laid down on the couch with peridot on my lap and we started watching some cheesy romantic show peri likes called C.P.H.

I put my face in her fluffy hair and i felt amazing.

This just felt right.


Hey sorry for late update and this chapter being lame ive just been really tired.

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