Chapter Twelve

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Sorry for the long update.

Actually, I take that back.

It's only been 7 days.

Anyway, like I promised,


*ahem* enjoy the chapter minna!!


~Gray's POV~

I couldn't tell her. I couldn't tell her why I cut her off like that. I know it's cold, but my heart isn't as cold as my magic. Seriously.

"Gray-sama," Juvia called out to me. "Juvia is going to make a plan of attack later."

"Sure, alright." I replied.

She ran inside the hotel room and dropped all her belongings on the ground next to the bed. I walked in and set my stuff on the table.

The room wasn't that big. There was a king sized bed and the bathroom was beside us right when we entered. There was also a tv lacrima on the other side of the bed.

"Gray-sama, Juvia got a message from Daichi."

"What's it say?"

"It says..." She paused for a second scanning through the messager lacrima "that the gang will be at the cafe soon."

"Ok, lets go."

~Juvia's POV~

Juvia and Gray-sama ran towards the cafe we were at. When we were about to enter, someone came out, wearing a black shirt and jeans and had a tattoo sleeve on( We can clearly tell it's fake) and we almost bumped into him.

"Oh, s-sorry." Juvia apologized.

"Watch were your friggin going, blue" he replied rudely.

This is the first time Juvia has ever saw him and she already got a strange nickname.

"Hey, back off." Gray-sama defended Juvia.

"What? You don't want me to make fun of your little girly friend here??" He taunted. That man taunts really bad. Like, Juvia can think of better.

"You trying to pick a worthless, crappy and shitty fight with me, mother f*cker?!" Gray-sama actually gave into that taunt. Juvia is surprised how short tempered he is.

"G-Gray-sama, its ok. You don't need to fight him. And watch your language, please." Juvia interrupted them before they were going to fight.

"Hmph." The man walked away.

We entered the cafe and Daichi was injured on the floor.

"Y-you didn't see him?? I-it was that guy with the fake tattoo..." He said and he passed away.

"Daichi!!" The girl that worked at the cafe, which Juvia still doesn't know the name of, ran to him and began to aid him. "Go and run after him!"

Juvia and Gray-sama ran outside and spotted the man going on a motorcycle with a bunch of other people waiting for him on different motorcycles.

"Hey!!" Gray-sama yelled at him.

The entire gang noticed and turned their vehicles around and came driving straight at us.

"Perfect." Gray-sama smirked.

Juvia smiled. Things are about to get serious.

~Gray's POV~

I took off my shirt and threw it to the ground. The gang came right at us and right before they got to us...

"Ice Make: Battle Axe!!"

"Water Nebula!!!"

It sent the whole gang flying through the air except for that little son of a b*tch.

"Hey, fake tattoo guy!" I called out to him who just stood up from the tremendous amount of force that the ice and water made.

"You're soaking wet and freezing cold." Juvia pointed out. "Gray-sama, Juvia will let you finish this."

"Thanks." I walked past Juvia and to the man.

He was stepping back every time I took a step closer. After like the eighth step or so, he tripped over one of the broken motorcycles and looked at me with fear. I looked down at him like I was the bad guy.

"N-no! Please don't. Please don't kill me!!" The man begged.

"Ok," I said still looking down at him but with a bit more kinder look. He seemed a bit more calm.

"S-so you won't kill me?"

"No, I'll probably just torture you then I'll get that girl you called blue to kill you."


"Juvia, this b*tch is crying a little girl."

She laughed and walked over. She bent over and said "maybe we can use him to find out who their leader is?"

"Thst's not bad." I said so I also bent over and ripped the fake tattoo sleeve off his arm.

We both gasped at what we saw.

It was...


























Who ever guesses what guild mark it is first gets to have the next chapter deticated to them. And you must figure it out before the next chapter, so. Yeah.

Diary of Daydreams (Gray x Juvia|GrUvia)Where stories live. Discover now