Chapter Seven

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This is my first attempt at a faceless edit. What do you think of it?

I think it's terrible. But whatever.

Anyway, I'm thinking of starting a Rowen book after I finish my NaLu book and this one. I just thought you guys should know.


~Juvia's POV~

"Juvia's such an idiot!!!" Juvia stormed in the Dorm. Everyone heard Juvia yell out loud.

"What's wrong, Juvia-san?" Wendy asked Juvia.

"N-Nothing..." Juvia turned her head to the opposite direction, so that no one can see her blushing face.

"Your blushing." Levy-san pointed out. "Why are you blushing?"

"None of your business!" Juvia yelled and stomped to her room.

Everyone was confused and were wondering what happened.

"Juvia can't believe she did that..." Juvia said as she plopped down on her bed. "It doesn't matter anymore if Gray-sama reads Juvia's Diary."

Juvia was thinking about the things she wrote down in her Lost Magic Diary.

Gray-sama... Loves... Juvia... 30 babies or more...

If Gray-sama reads Juvia's diary from the first page to the at least half the book, everything in it will come true. Juvia began to feel happy again. But she then sighed because she wrote "Juvia dreams" and "Juvia wishes" in the book,so it won't come true. Then she remembered something terrible that she wrote in the book.

Juvia gets an unknown sickness that lets her live, but dies on the first snowflake falls. It cannot be cured, unless the one and only person she loves confesses to her. After she dies, it will pass down to her beloved.

Juvia's eyes widened as she remembered it. Gray-sama will die after Juvia. Juvia is sure to die because Gray-sama doesn't love Juvia back.

"Gray-sama... You'll die because of Juvia." Juvia said quietly to herself. "You cannot read that book."

~Gray's POV~

"What...?" I stood there frozen. Sure, Juvia's pretty cute, but I just got a different feeling. I sighed. Why do I get that feeling from her all the time?

I started to turn around and walk home. But I couldn't stop thinking about the feeling I got when her lips touched mine.

When I got to my apartment, I sat on my bed. Then I noticed Juvia's diary on my desk. I forgot to give it to her.

"I wonder why she wrote in that thing." I said to myself. I walked over and opened the book to the first page.

Ever since Juvia met Gray-sama, she instantly fell completely in love with him after their fight when she was in Phantom Lord. Juvia ended up being a "Stalker with a Crush".

I laughed. I found that somewhat true.

Juvia fell in love with Gray-sama because he showed her the sun for the first time in her life. And because it stopped raining for the first time, she knew it meant she was happy.

So, Juvia does like me. Well, I kinda found it pretty obvious. I through more than half the book so far. I'm close to the end. More of the entries were like;

Juvia dreams of having 30+ babies with Gray-sama!!~

Juvia wishes everyday that Gray-sama will love her.


Ok, I didn't find this surprising at all. I turned the page. That's she I was shocked. The keys words were Juvia gets a sickness... Will die at the first snowflake...

I didn't finish reading that last page. I couldn't stand it. But, whatever. Nothing in this book will come true... Right?


So, what do you guys think?? Gray read Juvia's diary, so everything in it will come true. Notice, that Juvia wrote "Juvia wishes" and "Juvia dreams"?

It's all saying that she wants Gray to love her of something, but she's not demending it. So it won't happen.And the only thing that isn't like "Juvia wishes" is that last page.

Hahahahhaah!!!! Weird twist, huh?

Diary of Daydreams (Gray x Juvia|GrUvia)Where stories live. Discover now