Chapter 6: He's My Second One

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"Can I go with him?"

"I'm sorry, honey, but you need to wait here for your father."

"Is someone going with him?"

Ms. Lyle gave Rosie a look as if she were thick. As if she were thick! "The nurses, of course."

"Someone he knows."

"It's only a short ride down."

She ducked under the blinds and pressed her face to the glass. He raised his head and caught her eye as they loaded him inside. He moved his hand. She thought he might have been trying to wave, but his arms were fastened down.

"What if he gets lonely?"

"Rosie, you don't need to worry about that man. He's sick. Oh, hello Mr. Watson.

The blinds clattered behind her as she ran to him. "Daddy! They're taking him away! Go stop them!"

Instead he collapsed into a chair and pulled her close. "Goddamn Sherlock."

"Rosie insists he's a friend of yours."

She squirmed free. "He's family."

"He's a friend. But he can't go on being friends with us if he keeps pulling shi-- doing things like that. Pardon my language ma'am."

"Well then he's my best friend!"

Why was everyone so insistent? What was wrong with him that no one wanted him? The same thing that was wrong with her.

Would Rosie's father get tired of her, too?

Ms. Lyle frowned, her purple nails tapping against the edge of the desk. "Don't you have friends your age to talk to?

"They think I'm weird."

She didn't want to elaborate.

John sighed. "I suppose I'd better take her home. Is she in much trouble?"
"I'm mostly concerned about her attachment to Mr. Holmes. But she hasn't done anything wrong." She almost seemed disappointed. Rosie didn't fit, but she couldn't be put into the 'bad' box either. "It's just that creepy man's fault. Those eyes-- you'd think he was looking into your soul."


"Did you invite him? To career day?" John asked as he pulled out of the lot.


She was always stiff with him when she was upset. If she'd only get over herself and talk to him he could fix it for her.

John's daughter had invited his friend to career day instead of him. As if John wasn't impressive enough! He'd been on all those cases, he'd helped and saved Sherlock, and he'd never, ever tricked him.

"Career day is for parents, Rosie."

"Everyone else has two parents, he's my second one."

He almost lost control of the car. "What? I told you, Sherlock isn't your dad! You called him Uncle."

"Well you're Daddy, and I don't want to call him Papa. What else is there?" He caught a glimpse of her in the mirror, wrinkling her nose. "Why'd they take him away?

"He needs help. He's needed it for a long time, actually, but I didn't want-- it'll be good for him, Rosie."

It will. He should have gone sooner. They'll fix him, and he'll come back and he'll be himself. But he won't be destructive, or angry, or careless, or impatient, or moody all the time. He won't do drugs. He'll actually eat. He'll be safe for Rosie to be around.

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