Chapter 19: Polaroid Picture

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Hello I am back and actually doing stuff on time. I know I skipped a few days earlier and I don't want that to happen again so here you go. Maroonspider50 came back and helped me with the beginning of the chapter, but since she's now working on her amazing story Broken Vow, she'd left Sherlock's Second Vow mostly up to me! Mwahahahah!

Does anyone read these note things? If you do, comment waffles, I guess. I don't know, I'm just curious. 

And thank you guys for sticking with me and the fic. Feel free to comment/reach out to me. :) 



Although she was supposed to be doing spelling, Rosie found herself doodling in the corner of her workbook instead.

Maybe, when she got home, Daddy would let her mail Sherlock another card.

"Whatcha smilin' about?"

Rich. She ignored him, quickly erasing what she'd drawn. "Nunya business."

"No, I just wanna know. We're friends, right? You can tell me."

"I don't have friends, and even if I did, you wouldn't be one of them." She tried to refocus on spelling. Such easy words. Seven? Orange? Because? Anyone could spell those.

"Come on, I just wanna know! Did he come back from the dead again?"

"He didn't die."

"I heard he died. I heard he smoked a ton of weed and died in a dumpster. My mom says that's what he gets."

"You're a real ray of sunshine aren't you?"

"So is he in hell?"

"No, but he's quite close." The hospital must be a living hell for him, Rosie thought. She would hate to have to live there. "That's your home too, right? You must know the area."

Either he ignored the comment, or it went over his head. "So he's in purgatory?"

What the heck was purgatory? "He's not even dead."

"So if he's not dead, where is he? At your house with your dad?"

"He's not even in London."

"Then where the heck is he?"

The tip of her pencil snapped. "Why do you even care?

"Because you're my best friend and I wanna know!" His shadow loomed closer over the paper.

"We aren't friends."

"Do you not wanna tell me because he's in a drug den or something? Jack, Rosie's dad's gay lover is in a drug den."

She finally looked up, fixing Rich with her harshest glare. "They aren't gay, he's not in a drug den, and you need to mind your own freaking business!"

"Just tell us and we'll leave you alone! I'm just worried about your dads, okay?"

"Please just leave me alone."

"Fine, I'll figure it out on my own. If it's such a big secret, it must be really bad," he tapped his pencil against his chin. "I bet he's in jail, right?"

She went back to her spelling. "Not even close."

"On the run from the police?"

"Nope." Not with Mycroft for a big brother.

The questions went on and on, getting more and more absurd. How he kept coming up with them, Rosie couldn't guess.

When the bell rang, she practically ran outside. She said nothing about it on the way home-- it's not as if Rich's behavior was unusual. After they'd gotten home and settled, John with a cup of tea and a book, Rosie with hot chocolate and her homework, the doorbell rang.

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