Chapter 13: Drama Queen

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Hello! Don't worry this chapter is actually not super depressing! And of course it features our favorite drama queen. :) 



Sherlock lay sprawled across the floor of Mycroft's office, chin propped up with one hand, smoking a cigarette. "How do you unattach yourself?" asked, when Mycroft finally had the decency to show up, ever-present umbrella in hand.


"I'm trying to delete my emotions. It's not working."

Mycroft walked over to him, close enough that Sherlock could smell the leather of his shoes.

"They don't like to be deleted. Like... a virus, in your hard drive."

"Stop talking in circles and tell me how to get rid of them. I thought I'd done it before."

"It's human error. You can't. And you're being an idiot for trying."

Sherlock took a pull of his cigarette. "You always said you never had them."

"Annoyance... disgust. Usually in the form of people, but you've got them." He rapped the umbrella against the floor until Sherlock glanced up at him. "People need you, Sherlock."

"What makes you think they need a psychopath in their home?"

"That out of it, brother dearest? I thought you were supposed to be a high-functioning sociopath."

"All the same to them. And they're happier now, without me. Rosie and John are talking, his limp's gone again, he's eating. Eating a lot, actually, maybe he should take up cycling again."

"The child was crying. Doesn't scream "happier" to me."

"You're the one who warned me away from him in the first place."

"After two months, you've already been hospitalized and on the national news. You obviously need someone to take care of you."

"Grown fond of your little brother?"

"I'm literally trying to pawn you off to them."

Sherlock ground the cigarette onto the one of the toes of Mycroft's shoes. "I can't go back. I decided long ago, if I had to leave, it would be for good. They don't need a-- a sociopath around."

He wished he really was one. 'Sociopath' sounded impressive. Threatening, even. But he and Mycroft both knew the truth.

I'm fine.

"Get some actual help first."


Asperger's Syndrome.

"You're not sick, William. You're just... special."

"I don't want them to break my mind. I need it."

It made him worth knowing. It made people hate him, it made people need him. It gave him a purpose.

"What's more important to you, your little fantasies or John Watson?"


John picked up his ringing phone. Unknown number. Shit.

"What is it, Mycroft?"

"He's back in hospital."

"Back?" He did say he was leaving...

"The psychological branch. Please try to resolve your little issue quickly, he's getting very annoying."

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