Sherlock-man: Homecoming

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Sherlock man

sherlock man

does whatever a sherlock can

does he love jawn

yes he does

and rosie too


So I was really tired today...

Whenever we have a lot of characters or a complicated scene Avery and I split up the characters and do a bit of roleplay, and today she took John as well as Rosie so I could have a bit of a break. Juggling both John and Sherlock is exhausting and like I said

I am so frik-frakking tired.

She is fantastic at dialogue, and she is amazing at Rosie. So yeah expect some dazzling dialogue!

Both the books I mentioned in Rosie's room are books on my dresser right now! The first one straight-up tells you how to dissect people and how to read blood spatters it. is. the best. It has diagrams and everything. 

Also my dad is doing much better if anyone was wondering.



--- Three months later ---

Sherlock sat in the car beside John, Rosie was half-asleep in the back. They had come to take him back from the hospital. Although he wouldn't quite admit it to himself, he was so glad to see them he almost cried.

"I was thinking," John began.

"That's dangerous."

John grinned. "Hah, well, I was thinking until you got back on your feet a little, you'd maybe stay with us for a little bit. Just so you're not living alone." he glanced back at Rosie. "I know she wouldn't mind."

"Do you even have space for me? I doubt you have any lab equipment."

Sherlock wasn't sure if he should accept. He was glad to get to be with John and Rosie again, but he was used to spending large amounts of time by himself, and did he really deserve to stay with them?

"Molly kept all of your lab stuff at St. Barts."

"That doesn't answer my first question. Besides, I have Mrs. Hudson at the flat."

"We have a guest room for you."

Sherlock surprised himself by saying, "Then yes, I'll stay."

"Good. Rosie gets up early, so sorry in advance."

"You know what my sleeping habits are like. That's not going to bother me at all. How long am I staying?"

"At least until you get back on your feet."

At least?

"After that it's up to you. You're always welcome Sherlock, you know that right?"

He was unable to speak for a moment. He felt kind of warm again, like he had when John had hugged him. "Thank you. I... missed you."

"I missed you too, and I know Rosie did because you're all she really talks about."

Sherlock half-laughed. "Well, I'll try not to disappoint."

"You don't."

The rest of the ride was spent in comfortable silence. There seemed nothing more to say, and the radio played quietly away in the dark.

A thousand highways just to get here

The trail of tears that we've traveled through

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