Chapter 27: Day One

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I probably won't update for a lil while because my library is doin' a short story exhibition and diddly darn dang if I don't need some validation.

Also this chapter is super short so sorry *shrug*



John came downstairs to find Sherlock, asleep, with Rosie on his lap. She was sleeping too, her face smeared with ice cream. Sherlock seemed softer, somehow, when he was asleep, and he had an arm around her, as if worried she might fall.

John made his way quietly down the rest of the stairs to the mantle, where Sherlock's Polaroid had been resting. He took a picture of them, then another. One for him and one for Sherlock. He left the photo on top of Sherlock's suitcase. He hadn't ever gone to bed last night, at least not in the bedroom, because the covers were where John had left them.

"What are you doing?"

John nearly jumped out of his plaid flannel sweater. Sherlock's head was peeking around the corner, eyes narrowed suspiciously.

He held up the photo. "I was just leaving this for you, thought you might want it. Where's Rosie?"

He stepped the rest of the way into the room. Rosie was still asleep in his arms. John wondered if Sherlock had really been sleeping at all, and came to the conclusion that he had been. He looked sleepy and unkempt and slightly embarrassed.

John smoother her hair out of her eyes. "Rosie. It's time to get up for school."

She opened her eyes, looked confused, then realized where she was. "Did you sleep?"

"Yes." Sherlock sounded almost annoyed that he had.

"Good." She kissed his cheek and he almost dropped her in surprise. "I have to get ready for school. See you later!"

Sherlock still looked stunned and John chuckled, following Rosie out to cook breakfast.

Eggs for both of them. Tea for John, orange juice for Rosie. What would Sherlock want? It'd been a while since they lived together, and he'd always been picky, or refused to eat for days.

Then again, if John didn't make anything that would be an open invitation for him to raid the kitchen. Which he might do anyway.

I need to make a shopping list or something.

"What do you want for breakfast?" he asked as Sherlock wandered into the kitchen.

He waved a hand dismissively. "Not hungry."

"Then why are you in the kitchen?"

"I was looking for you."

John went back to frying the eggs. "What do you want?"



John finished with the eggs just as Rosie came down, and brought a plate to the dining room for her. Sherlock waited in the doorway the whole time, watching them. Rosie wasn't much for talking at the moment, she was in the middle of reading Hidden Evidence, so all in all John felt very awkward.

"Is there a reason you're staring?" he asked, irritated.

"Sorry." Sherlock disappeared back into the kitchen, which might be more worrying. He would be alone in the house most of the day while Rosie went to school and John worked. There was a lot he could get up to. John had to lay down some rules. Starting with: no science in the kitchen. Maybe he could even get Sherlock to help out a little.

Soon it was time to go. John went into the kitchen to make sure Sherlock wasn't up to anything. He didn't appear to be, although he was standing barefoot on the counter looking through the high-up cabinets.... Which was where John stored the breakables.

"I'm taking Rosie to school. Try not to get into any messes."

"Of course, John, what sort of person do you take me for?"


He took that day off from work, and sat at the old desk in his room, thinking. John had invited Sherlock to stay with them more on a whim than with any planning. He had to think things out. First, there were going to need to be some ground rules. Second, this whole situation might make Sherlock a bit uncomfortable. He wasn't used to a lot of people talking to him, or hugs, or spending every day in a house with a very energetic, very mischievous seven-year-old.

He would start with the rules.

No science or specimens in the house. You can do your experiments in the lab at St. Barts.

Go to bed by 1, please.

Eat at mealtimes.

Let me know if you're going to be gone for a while.

Don't go through anyone's stuff.

Take your medicine.

No smoking in the house, no drugs at all.

John put down his pencil. That was all he could think of. Now it was time for the hard part. How to include Sherlock without alienating him.

He and Rosie both liked mysteries and crimes and things. He always liked talking to her, so it would be good for them to spend time together.

As for Sherlock and himself... he was usually bored with what John wanted to do, but he never volunteered any ideas himself. John would have to work on that.

The violin! He needed to get that from the flat. John was sure Sherlock had missed it, he always played in the middle of a hard case, or when he thought John was mad at him.

He heard the door creak open behind him.

"If you've nearly finished, I need your help."

John turned to face him. "You need my help?"

Sherlock nodded.

"Alright, show me what it is."

It was Mrs. Hudson. She did not look happy.

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