Chapter 28: Lazy Afternoon

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Avery and I were gonna wait to post this because we both have the dreaded writers block and we wanted it to be longer BUT we have been slacking and


someone actually read through my entire fic

and asked for more.

that is like

i feel so honored my dude

thank you @wjishing_kordei 



She didn't wait even a second after they appeared to start. "Not a bloody phone call! Is it so hard to pick up a phone and tell people that Sherlock is home?!"

John was already so bloody tired, and now he had another situation on his hands. "We were going to call you but it-"

"Slipped your mind? John you didn't call for two years after Sherlock's funeral, I don't think it was going to happen."

Sherlock shrugged. "You only gave him a day."

"He didn't pick you up from the hospital on a whim, I'm sure that it was arranged beforehand."

John frowned. "Sorry?"

"You could have told us beforehand."

"Sorry. I'm a little busy these days, and I don't see you going up to visit him every week."

Mrs. Hudson was just about exasperated. "Next time something like this happens, will I get a phone call?"

"Yes, yes, of course."

Beside him, Sherlock seemed to brace himself for his turn to get yelled at.

"Sherlock," Mrs. Hudson said calmly.


"How are you?"

"This sounds an awful lot like a trick question."

"'Course not love. Call every now and then won't you?" She picked up her bag. "Anyway, I've places to be. Give Rosie a hug for me, John!"

After a minute or two of standing awkwardly in the living room, John asked, somewhat suspiciously, "What have you been doing all day anyway?"


"Do you.... want to find a case?"

He seemed to perk up immediately. "Did Graham call?"

"No, but you can call Greg."

Sherlock snatched John's phone out of his jumper pocket and dialed Lestrade.

"'Ello?" asked Greg.

"Cases," said Sherlock.

"Oh, you're back! Hah."

"Yes, do you have any cases he might be interested in?"

"Sorry boys, it's been real quiet around here lately. No complaints, less dead people are usually good."

"Nothing?" Sherlock asked.

"Nothing that you'd find interesting. What we do have is pretty open and shut."

He hung up the phone and tossed it across the room. When John had recovered it and checked the screen for cracks (no new ones, thank goodness) Sherlock had resumed his thinking pose, with his hands steepled beneath his chin.

"I think we have a couple mystery and crime movies here if you want to watch those. Rosie loves them."

"Where's the fun in those? They're all too straightforward."

"Just try them, you haven't got anything better to do."

"I'd rather not."

"Well you can't just sulk around all day, " John said, exasperated, "I'll go make us some popcorn."

Sherlock made no comment. That usually meant he was interested to see what would happen next, but too proud to admit it.

A few minutes later, after setting a bowl of popcorn on the couch which Sherlock didn't touch, John popped a disk into the player and turned on the TV. "Rosie said this one was good."

Sherlock gave him a doubtful look as the opening credits played.

"She watches these kinds of movies with Molly."

"Then it's likely not something I'd want to watch."

"See if you can guess the end, it'll be like a mini case or something."

He rolled his eyes. "But that's why it'll be boring. It'll be too easy."

"Just shut up and watch the bloody film."

Two seconds later, Sherlock jabbed a finger at the screen. "He's the killer."

"The movie's been on for two minutes, Sherlock."

"It's him."

"Well, what about the lady with the kid in college? I think it might be her."

"Of course you do."

As the movie played, John noticed that Sherlock was quietly stealing and eating some of the popcorn. At least he was eating something, John thought, fondly exasperated.

When the movie ended, Sherlock folded his arms. "See, I was right. He was the killer."

John picked himself up off the couch. "Not surprising."

"You were right about one thing, though."

He paused from brushing popcorn crumbs off the couch. "I was?"

"That wasn't a terrible way to spend an afternoon."

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