Chapter 9: False Hope, Strawberry Tears

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Maybe he was being a little distant. A little being the key phrase. John decided maybe some father-daughter bonding time was in order, so he took Rosie out to the diner for milkshakes.

She sat across from him, rested her head on her arms, refusing to look at him. What had gotten into her today? Something must have happened.

John poked her lightly with a menu. "You going to order or not?"

She didn't lift her head. "Fine. Strawberry."

Just like Mary used to like. It was the same diner. The same booth. It made him feel closer to her. As if she were still there with him.

Soon their drinks arrived: milkshake for Rosie, tea for him. He watched her lick the whipped cream off.

"So how school?" He cringed. What a stereotypical dad line. "Anything happen? You seem really let down today."

"School was fine."

"Rosie, something's wrong. What is it."

"Do you like Uncle Sherlock?"

He was taken aback. Was she still upset about that? "Of c-- what do you mean by like?"

Everyone has two parents.

He's my second one.

"He's your friend, right?"

"Of course."

"I think you're just pretending. He said that he's in there and I'm not because I'm loved."

When was this? Before I arrived?

What did he mean 'not loved.' He's my best friend-- a bloody bastard of one, but still my friend.

"He broke the goddamn law, Rosie!"

She looked up at him, eyes full of tears. "We aren't people, are we?"

He slid in next to her. "Of course you're a person, Rosie. Do you think I don't think that?"

"If he's a machine, that must make me one too."

"You had a row with the pin and chip machine?"

"It just sat there while I shouted abuse at it."


"Sherlock, you machine!"

"I was frustrated when I said that, and that was years ago, I don't even remember what was going on. Why would he tell you about that?"

She hid her face again. "He didn't say you said it."

John lifted her chin so she was looking at him. "Rosamund. I love you, you know I love you. I will never not love you. You're a person. Sherlock is a person. We're all people, and we all make mistakes." He wrapped his other arm around his daughter. "And as for Sherlock, he'll get better. He'll be back eventually."

"No! He said he won't because you told him to not talk to me and not to come back!"

"I never told him not t-- sweet Jesus how were you talking to him?"

She was sobbing too hard to speak.

"You didn't go to class today, did you?" And heaven knows how she got all the way to St. Barts.

The building where he...

John waited for her to calm down, cuddling her to his chest.

"It's my fault they sent Uncle Sherlock away."

"It wasn't your fault."

"But it was my idea. For--for him to come in that way."


"You... told him to come in through the window? Rosie, you can say whatever you like, it's not going to bring him back from the hospital any faster."

"But I did tell him to. I thought it would make them laugh. Daddy, why'd you make him leave?"

"I didn't."

"You made him promise not to come back."

He held her out so he could see her face. "How did you even get in contact with him?"

She crossed her arms. "So you did make him promise." She was nearly shouting now. John was sure people were looking.

"I told him to leave you alone! He's trying to make you like him, and I... I just want you to have a normal childhood. I want the best for you, Rosie, and I can't watch you live a life like that."

"He's not trying to make me like him! I'm this way because that's the way I am, and he could understand me. But you made him promise to go away."

"He wouldn't leave. He literally promised he would take care of you. He gave a speech about it on my wedding day."

"I know I speak for Mary as well when I say we will never let you down.

And we have a lifetime to prove that."

"Are you sure?"

"He knew about you, even though you weren't born yet. He said he would be there for you and me and Mary, and he will be."

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