Chapter 1

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"Hey," Said Marco.

"Hi," Star answered. 

They were standing in their new world. Earth-ni. The world they created, with their love. Star smiled at Marco. When she first went to Earth, she never, even in her wildest dreams, could she imagine falling in love with Marco Diaz, nor did she ever dream of merging Mewni and Earth. But there she was, gazing at her beloved Marco, in their new world.

The people soon settled in. Humans think this is fine, living with the monsters and all, thought Star, as she stood in her shattered room in the Monster Temple. Marco came up behind her. 

"Watcha looking at?" He asked, putting a hand on her shoulder. 

Star laughed. "My shattered room," she turned to Marco. "I guess I'll be staying at your place for a while, Marco Diaz."

Inside Marco's room, Star and Marco were having a good time. They enjoyed being a couple. "Marco, I still can't believe Earth and Mewni collided!" she sighed in happiness. Marco pulled her close and kissed the top of her head. "Me too, Star." 

Time skip!

Star Butterfly sat on Marco's bed, her legs dangling from the bed. She was on her new cell phone, video chatting with someone she knew. "...and now Earth and Mewni crashed, and we all get to stay together!" she was saying. It had been a few days since the event, but Star still remembers it all. The smoke, the pain, the anger of that battle was stuck in her head, like superglue. The girl on her phone laughed. "That's so cool, Star!" she exclaimed, "And can I trust you to tell you a secret?" she asked. Star sat straight up, her face filled with excitement. 

"Tell me tell me tell me tell me!" Star practically screamed.  The girl on her phone smiled. "But you can't tell Marco or anyone. Especially Marco. Got that, Star?" Star nodded vigorously. "So," the other girl slowly began, "I'm coming back to Echo Creek in a week! And there's a high chance I'm staying!"

Star gasped. "Oh my goodness!" she bounced around the room. "Oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh! I can't wait to see you in real life, Kassie! I'm going to show you all of Earth-ni, and-" The girl in Star's phone, or Kassie, interrupted. "Okay, okay, Star! I gotta go now, I'll see you in a week!" Star waved. "Byee!"

Kassie put her phone down. She gazed out of her dorm room. The landscape of the Eiffel tower loomed in the distance. She smiled. I'm coming to Echo Creek in a week! Kassie screamed in her head, I can't wait to see Marco's girlfriend! Kassie plopped down on her bed and sighed happily. And I can't wait to see Marco and Mariposa, too.

5 years ago...

"Happy birthday to you!" Happy singing can be heard from The Diaz's house. Angie bustled in the kitchen, making the punch.  Rafael sat at the table with two ten-year-olds, cutting the cake. One ten-year-old was Marco. The other ten-year-old was Kassie, his twin sister. She had long brown hair and a mole, like Marco. It was her birthday. Marco and Kassie sat excitedly at the dining table, waiting for Rafael to finish cutting their slices.

When they finished the cake, Kassie started unwrapping her presents. But she soon realized Marco's present was not in the pile. She looked at him. "Marco, you didn't give me a present?" Marco jumped. "Oh, yea, here," he said, pulling out a small box from is hoddie pocket. Kassie opened the box and gasped. There were two blue bracelets, each with half a heart on them. When you out the two hearts together, it spells "I *heart* you". Kassie breathed as she touched the bracelets. "I love it," she whispered as she put it on.

Just then, the sound of the mail truck leaving could be heard. Angie ran to the door. "I'll get it!" she said as the walked outside. A minute later, she returned with some letters in her hands. "Bills, bills, ads and ooh, what's this?" she muttered. Angie opened the letter and skimmed through it quickly, then gasped. "Kassie, darling, you got the scholarship to France!" Kassie stood up. "What?" she grabbed the letter to read it. "Oh, I did get in! Marco look!" she showed the letter happily to Marco. He smiled. He loved his sister, and when she's happy, he's happy. But then a thought struck him. 

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