Chapter 16

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"Star," Moon said, taking her daughter by her shoulders. They were standing in front of the Butterfly castle, with their friends and the citizens of Earth-ni watching this moment. Marco, Kelly, Eclipsa and Kassie were all holding their breath (although still Kassie had no idea why Star hated magic). 

Moon looked into her daughter's eyes. She saw confusion, worries and slight anger. She sighed.

"Star...I know you can't trust me with magic anymore. I know that, and it's okay. But I believe bringing magic back is a good idea! We'll make this world a better place, together with magic! Mewni was a wonderful place with magic, wasn't it?" She smiled.

Star took a moment to process this information. Then she began to feel anger inside her.  

" you just FEEL like you can handle magic now? After what you did? We destroyed magic and now you secretly want it back?!" She yelled. The people watching gasped and Eclipsa gave Moon a worried look.

"I know what I did wasn't exactly right, but you have to hear me out!" Moon said. She was trying to be very patient with her daughter. This just made Star more infuriated.

"What?! You- you basically BETRAYED me again! You could've just talk it out with me! Mom...I don't believe you!" Star yelled as she stormed back inside the castle. Marco ran after her.

"Star, wait!" He and Moon called at the same time.

Star's POV
I knew I was being childish, but I had every reason to do so. Mom could've just told me and we could've thought of a solution together! I sighed as I slumped onto my bed. Just as I expected, Marco rushed in a few seconds later.

"Star! Calm down!" He said as he sat next to me on the bed. I sighed again.

Marco draped an arm around me.

"You know it's not that way, right? You know she didn't betray you, right?" He asked.

I shot him a look. "Okay, maybe she did," Marco said again, slowly. 

"No no no. It was me. I guess I thought after all the drama and wars before we could now live in a happily ever after! I guess I'm just so tired of all the responsibilities and problems that I'm facing right now, from romance to friendship to royalty to family drama..." my voice trailed off.

Marco squeezed me tighter. "I guess I was just so sick of it all, I took it out on mom," I continued. Suddenly I felt better. All these adventures after our "happily ever after" brought so many feelings to me.

I smiled slowly. "I- I guess it's time to end it all. I guess mom's right. I guess magic could do us a load of good," I started to think positively again.

Marco laughed. "That's a lot of 'I guesses', Star,"

I laughed to. "I know,"

Then we went off to find my mom.

Moon embraced her daughter. Star had come to her and apologized, and now they were happy and with magic again. Moon handed her wand to her daughter.

"I think this belongs to you," She said kindly. Star smiled and took the wand. Instantly, the wand morphed into Star's wand.

"I think I know exactly what I will do first," Said Star. She waved her wand and bright blue magic shot from it, swirling around the Butterfly castle, fixing the broken parts. The mewmans rejoiced and the humans were stunned to witness such miracle. They started to whisper to one another, and pointed at the royal family.

But they didn't care right now. Moon stepped up and clapped loudly for everyone's attention.

"Excuse me everybody! But I would like to announce something. WE ARE MAGICAL!!" Moon screamed. Star slapped her forehead.

"Therefore, I, the queen of Mewni, will rule this world from now on. No questions asked!" She continued, glaring directly at the mayor of Echo Creek. The mayor fumed, but did nothing.

Earth-ni was a happy place. Just like she hoped it to be. She ran through the green fields and rolled down green hills, watching mewman children happily playing with human kids. She sighed. She was too familiar with the sickly sweet princess fairy tales, but she never thought she'd get her own, even though she was a princess. It just seemed like fantasy. But she can make sure it's not. From afar, she saw the figure of the one love of her life. He brought her juice and they watched the surreal Earth-ni sunset from up high. She sighed again.

"I want a party," She said all of a sudden.

Her boyfriend looked confused. "Why?"

"Well, to celebrate our happily ever after," She said.

He shrugged. "Sounds good," he grinned.

She smiled. A party, she thought, how exciting!

But what really swarmed her mind was her future. Her life had been filled with drama. But after all, she figured out a way to solve them and strongly walked on. She deserved this. 

She, Star Butterfly, deserves her happily ever after.

Okay, I've tried to make this as less awkward and abrupt as possible. This is what I ended up with. Please don't hate me :')

PS: This isn't the last chapter, there's another short one coming soon. Stay tuned!


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