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Well I'm gonna write more now so yeah. I hope ya like it. I'm trying my best! If u have any ideas for me to put in the story let me know! Thanks!


~Amy's p.o.v.~

"you are crazy!' my best friend lauren shouted to me. "if u don't want to be part of this then leave." I said to her. She just kept quiet. Okay so this is what's happening. We or well I have been stalking one direction all day. I watched them go into A building threw the back. I decided them and there I'd kidnap them. I did but it took a lot of work. I ha to get my other friend jade to help out. She said I was crazy but would help only cuz I threatened to tell her boyfriend she cheated on him. The plan was to hide and when the boys came out to attack them and then knock them out with pans. The boys came out and we all jumped on them. I hit Louis and Niall in the head and then ran over to help jade knock out zayn. Let's just say Zayns strong. He punched me and so I kicked him where the sun don't shine and knocked him unconscious. After that I heard two girls scream running over towards Lauren who was on top of Austin trying to knock him out. Finally she hit him in the head and then the one girl threw her over towards us. "what do u girls think ur doing?" I asked them. I didn't give them time to answer. I just knocked them unconscious too. We put them all in the car. Then I heard girls yelling. I turned around and saw a bunch of girls running towards us. I grabbed my pan and knocked 3 out and jade and Lauren knocked out the others. Then we jumped in the car and drove towards my cabin.

~Caitlin's p.o.v.~

"they have been gone for 2 hours and haven't answered their texts. I think it's time to go look for them." I told the girls. They agreed. We went walking down the alley when I saw 3 girls and a bunch of what looked to be unconscious people. I ran over and the girls followed. As we got closer I saw Katie and elaina both unconscious with one direction and Austin mahone!!! We ran toward them and tried to pick them up but then we were knocked out.

~Austin's p.o.v.~

I just woke up. I looked around trying to remember what happened. I looked around and saw a bunch of girls and the guys just laying around me. I look at the girls. One catches my eye. I realize that's the girl from the airport. Oh no. I look out the window. I see trees and then I see an old busted up cabin. This is not going to end good. We need to get out of this car. I decided to wake everyone up except elaina and her friend cuz they look like they have been crying a lot. They all asked me what's going on and I told them. They all looked freaked out. "we need a plan. We can't let them just kidnap us, but our plan has to be safe for the girls too" I told the guys. They just nodded. "how about we see what they want us for. Then we can find a plan." Harry said. "ok but if any of the 3 girls touch any of them I'm gonna make them wish they were never born." I said sternly. "agreed" the boys all said in unison. Then the doors opened and we all pretended we were asleep. "get inside u now." a girl about 11 said. "why should we? You can't tell us what to do. Your only a kid." Harry said. Liam hit him across the head. "listen to me or you will not see her again she said pointing towards Elaina. Elaina ran over to me and buried her head in my chest. I wrapped my hands around her protectively. "you will not touch her." I said squeezing elaina tighter. "wanna bet?" the girl said. "oh I do." with that the girl grabbed a needle out of her pocket and injected it in elaina. I tried to stop her but she kicked me where the sun doesn't shine. They boys tried to help too but she just did the same thing. The girls even tried to tackle the girl to the ground but the girl just put her hand on the girls throat and injected the needle into elaina. Then the girl left. It's all my fault I should of stopped her. I should of tried harder. I ran over to Elaina and felt something trickle down my face. "it's okay austin. She will be fine. Everyone will. Let's just take her inside." Louis said trying to calm me down. Louis is such a good guy I don't know why him and Eleanor broke up. I picked elaina up and carried her inside. I sat her down on the floor and then sat next to her.

~Katie'a p.o.v.~

I feel so bad for Austin. He seems to really care about Elaina. We all are hoping she wakes up soon. We really need to get our minds off of her and the kidnappers right now though. "let's play 24 questions." I told everyone. "okay" they all said back except for Austin. "I'm just gonna take a nap." Austin said."ok" we all said back in unison. "I'll start. So Louis what is ur favorite type of food?"I asked. "CARROTTS!!!!" he screamed. We all laughed. "don't tell elaina that she loves potatoes!' I said making everyone laugh."okay so um kirsten do you like one direction?" Louis asked. All of the girls that were playing laughed and Kirsten said "no." "tell them the truth Kirsten!" Emily said. "fine of course I love you all especially harry." she said. Harry smirked. "okay so brook who's ur boyfriend?" Kirsten asked. "cody." brook said. "Cody who?" Caitlin asked. "umm well cody Simpson." she said. We all gasped. "when we're you gonna tell us?" I asked her. She didn't have a chance to answer cuz Austin interrupted her "she's awake" he said. "Elaina" we all said and ran over to her."what happened? Where am i? And why is Austin mahone and 1D here?" she asked. "we were kidnapped, u were drugged, ur in a cabin, and we were kidnapped too" Louis said. Boom!!! A loud noise erupted and the lights went out. Then there was a scream. The scream came from makensey. Then the lights came back on. We looked around and saw that makensey and Emma were missing. "guys where are makensey and Emma?" I asked. "i don't know but we gotta find them. And then we are getting out of this place." Austin said. We all split up elaina and Austin went to look around the left side of the house, Niall and I went to look around the right side and then the rest went their separate ways except for Harry and Kirsten who decided they would just stay back and see if Emma and makensey return.

~Harry's p.o.v.~

These kidnappers are physco. First they kidnap us, then they drug someone, and now they take away two of the girls??? Right now Kirsten I think her name is and I are waiting to see if they come back. It's kind of weird being here with Kirsten though. One Reason is because she likes me and the other is I think I like her. "guys come her" Austin yelled. We got up and ran to where Austin yelled at us to go. "what?" I asked him. "there's a note, read it" he said and then went over to elaina who was crying and gave her a hug. It read:

Dear guys and girls,

If u would like to have the two girls back alive then u will have to come save them. U have 15 minutes before they run out of air. Might wanna hurry oh and guess what u get one hint. The hint is they are close to water. U have 10 minutes now. Good bye. See you... Soon ;)

-your fellow kidnappers

"Omg we gotta go save them!" Caitlin yelled. Elaina was already out the door though with Austin right behind. "what if it's a trick? What if we're just walking into a trap?" I asked. "then we walk into the trap chances are I'm probably not gonna leave here alive anyways" elaina said. "why would u say that?" Austin said sounding really worried. "they hate me! They tried killing me twice now. Ik they thought Emma was me probably. They probably will kill me next time." she answered. " no they won't because I'm not letting anyone lay a finger on u." Austin said. "thanks" elaina said while looking at the ground blushing. Ha ha ha they would be such a cute couple. "i have a headache" elaina said. "here you need to rest. Take a nap. If we have to leave i will carry you."Austin told her. "I'm gonna start looking for them." Katie said. "me 2." said louis.

"I know exactly where we are." Katie said. "I use to live here when I was younger. We are inPlymouth, Davon."

So we are still in the UK. Thats a good thing. "there is a pond over there and there's a lake down the hill. Austin picked elaina up and Niall picked up katie. Don't ask why he picked up Katie he is just funny like that. And I think he likes her. As a like a sister.

Okay well that's another chapter. I will write more tomorrow I'm too tired to write now. (: Oh and follow me on twitter its @ElainaFreeze


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