Prank war, suprises, and fainting

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Okay I'm writing again! Hope you like it! Any ideas let me know! Follow me on twitter!


~Katie's p.o.v.~

So everything was going pretty good. Elaina and Austin were such a cute couple. We were sitting in the living room and elaina and Austin were still outside. Who knows what they were doing. Probably making out. A few minutes later the door opened and slammed. Elaina came in crying. We all asked her what was wrong. "Austin and i, we broke up." she said and ran off to her room. Louis started freaking out. We all were but he was the worst. Austin was his best friend but elaina was like his sister. Then Austin came in. We all asked him why happened. He ignored us. Louis started screaming at him. He ran upstairs and slammed one of the guest room doors. We all ran up and started pounding on both doors. After about 15 minutes we knew what we had to do. Louis was knocking down elainas door and zayn was knocking down austins. As soon as they did we Looked and saw Louis holding elaina and zayn dragging austin. They took them both down stairs and we followed. They sat them down an we started talking. Elaina and Austin were on their phones. About 10 minutes later Austin mumbled something. "what was that?" Louis asked. "oh I said elaina is the ugliest person in the whole world. She is such a slut and a b*tch." Austin said. Elaina got up and ran out she started yelling at Austin and the both ran back to their rooms. We all looked at each other trying to figure out what to do.

~Elaina's p.o.v.~

Austin and I ran back to our rooms and met at the hide out. "okay so now what?" I asked. "well first" Austin said he grabbed my waist and kissed me. I kissed back. We pulled back and he rested his forehead on mine. "I have a plan." he said. "we will take water guns and soak everyone. Then we will start making out and they will all be confused." he said. "I love your plan." I said grinning. We grabbed two guns each and filled them with water. I kissed him again and then we became ninjas! We sneaked out of our rooms and into the living room. They were all talking. We decided to eavesdrop. "we need to get them to talk to each other about it." Emma said. "yeah if we don't it could split us all apart." Liam said. "how about we lock them in a closet?" Louis said. 'no they'd probably kill each other." brook said. Austin and I decided now would be a good time to attack. "1...2....3..." we whispered. Then we soaked everyone. Once they were all dripping water Austin grabbed my waist and pulled me close and we started making out. He pushed me on the couch and we were making out for about 3 minutes when the finally were unfrozen. "what the carrot?" Louis asked. "well ya see elaina and I never broke up and we kinda just pranked ya." Austin said. I giggled he pulled me into a hug. Louis and the others looked angry and then laughed. "PRANK WAR!!!" Louis yelled. "okay we're playing in pairs though" I yelled. I grabbed Austin and we ran to our hide out. "elaina, I have a surprise for you later." Austin said. "what is it?" I asked. "well it wouldn't be a surprise if you knew now would it?" he asked. "no I guess not." I said.?

So I'm taking elaina out on a date tonight. It's at this garden I reserved. She was just let out earlier today from the hospital but I can't wait any longer. I remember the doctor saying someone needs to be with her 24/7 especially after 7:00 tonight. I will be there for her. The next couple months I won't leave her side. I need to talk to the boys about something later. "how about we take something from everyone. Like something they love. Louis-carrots, zayn-mirrors, Harry-girls, Niall-food, Liam-put spoons everywhere

Katie-phone, brook-Cody, Hannah-computer, makensey-zayn, bre-phone, Kirsten- iPod, Emma-Louis." i said. Austin and I laughed. "sounds like a plan." "I'll have your back. They can't hurt me cuz I just got out of the hospital." I said. We walked out of our hide out and sneaked out into their rooms.

We started with zayns. We took all his hair supplies and mirrors and put them in the trash can. Then we went to Nialls room. We took all of the food out and put it in our hide out. After his we went to Harry's and took all of the girls numbers he's got and put them in the shredder and took his cologne. Then we went to liams. we put spoons where his toothbrush was and then the rest of the spoons were all around the room. After we finished Liam's we went to Louis. I found millions of bags of carrots. We took them all and put them in our hideout. When we were going to the girls side I saw Louis put ketchup in a bucket and put it over the door we were going to go out. I grabbed austin. He looked at me weirdly. I pointed up. He saw the ketchup and laughed. I got on his back. "guys I don't feel too good. Can you leave me out of this prank war? Especially since I just got out o the hospital?" "sure your safe." they yelled back. "Louis if that hits me Austin will kill you so that better not." I heard some movement outside the door. Austin walked out safe. "that's not fair! She is protecting Austin!" Louis yelled. "get over it louis" Austin said. I giggled. We walked into Emma's room. I threw all of her clothes out the window and threw her make up out. Later we will get louis. Then we went to Katie's room. I found her phone and put it in my pocket. Then Austin took all of her one direction stuff and threw them out the window. She's gonna kill you!" I said. "like to see her try." Austin said. I laughed. Austin smiled at me. I smiled at him but looked to the ground. I'm so ugly but yet he is my boyfriend. I wonder if he really does like me. Austin lifted my chin up making me look into his eyes. "What's wrong?" he asked me. "do u really like me? I'm so ugly! There's no way you can." I said. "never ever say that again. Why would you even think that?" he asked. "I got on twitter. They all hate me. They said I'm ugly and I believe them" I said. "you aren't pretty your beautiful. I love you more than you will ever know." he said and kissed me. I kissed back. He grabbed my hand and we intertwined our fingers. We went to all of the girls rooms then. We finished and decided to go to our hide out so were safe. We sneaked back to the hideout.

After a few minutes the whole house was filled with screams. We laughed. We decided to hide in the hideout just to be safe. As I was walking I became really dizzy. I clutched onto austin. "what's wrong babe?he asked." I feel dizzy." I managed to say then everything went black.

~Austin's p.o.v.~

Everything was going perfectly then elaina clutched onto me. I began to worry. "what's wrong" I asked. "I feel dizzy." she said and then fainted. I picked her up and ran out of the hideout. "LOUIS, EMMA, SOMEONE!" I yelled. Everyone came running in. "what's wrong?" they asked. Then they saw elaina. "Emma get ice, Louis get medication, Liam get water, Katie get my phone." I yelled. They all did what I said. Everyone else cleared out so I could be with elaina. Louis came in with the medication. I couldn't do it. "louis please I can't it hurts me more than her." I said. He nodded. I held on to her hand as he shot the medication in her. Then Emma came in with ice. I put ice on her forehead. I kissed her cheek lightly. Katie came in with my phone. Then everyone left leaving me with Elaina. I called the doctor.

Phone call:

Me: hello doctor this is Austin. Elaina was in earlier. She just fainted and I just wanted to make sure I did everything I was suppose to.

Doctor: ok. Did u put ice on her forehead and give her her medication?

Me: yes sir

Doctor: okay how long ago did she faint?

Me: 10 minutes

Doctor: okay she should wake soon. If u have any more problems let me know.

Me: okay thank you sir.

End of conversation.

I walked over to elaina and kissed her cheek. Then I started singing say something.

After I finished singing elaina stirred. After a few seconds her eyes opened. "liam! We need water." I said. He came in. I gave it to elaina. She drank the whole bottle. "what happend?" elaina asked. "you fainted but the doctor said that's normal for the amount of blood you lost." I said. "oh ok. Thank you for taking care of me and you sang say something beautifully." she said. "wait you heard me?" yeah I woke up while you were on the phone with the doctor." she said. "your a sneaky one." I said. She giggled. I love her with all my heart. She's the best thing in my life. We all need some rest now though. Prank war is still on. "why don't we go to bed now? Elaina needs rest and so do we." Louis said. "that's what I was thinking." I said. We all got up and walked up te stairs. "can I sleep in the hideout? I don't want to be pranked tonight." I whispered to her. "yeah sure I am too." she said. This will be good. They will come into our rooms and find us not there. There's another prank. He he he "why don't we just stay in the hide out all day tomorrow? We have Nialls food!" I said. "okey Dokey!" she said then giggled. We walked into the hideout and went to sleep on the large couch. I wrapped my arms around elaina protectively and then fell asleep.

There's another chapter. The story is going to focus on some of the other characters soon. Anyways I hope you like it. Follow me on twitter @ElainaFreeze


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