Here goes nothing!

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Ok so I'm writing more. Im hoping it all comes together in the end. I'm open to suggestions and if u like it can u please suggest it to ur friends to read? Thanksx


~Emma's p.o.v.~

Ok so these people are physcos! They just took makensey and I away from the group and now are tying us up. I'm pretending to be unconscious. "where are we taking them?" I heard one of the kidnappers ask. "the area by the lake where there is a cave." said the other kidnapper. What The. Are they gonna kill us? I'm freaking out right now. Don't blow ur cover don't blow ur cover. I keep saying to myself. The kidnappers went into the front of the car. We are in the trunk part. "makensey?" I asked. "Emma is that you?" she asked. "yes it is. They are going to take us to the lake. Pretend to be unconscious when they open the trunk back up. Then we attack them and try to find the others." i told her. "okay but what if they kill us before we have a chance to run?" she asked. "this is our chance lets just try our best. Okay?" I asked her. "okay." she said. I hope this plan works and we find the others. If we don't make it out alive I hope they do at least.

~Zayn's p.o.v.~

I'm beyond angry right now. Who do these people think they are? I am going to find makensey and Emma and then kill those kidnappers. I have to admit i like makensey. She is so nice. I promise I will make sure we all get out of here safely. I keep telling myself. "guys look over there." I said out of breath for running so long. There is a white van. "I think it's them." the van pulled over. "lets hide begging those bushes" I said pointing towards the bushes by the pond. The people in the van jumped out and ran to the trunk. When they opened it i saw makensey and emma. They look unconscious but I can tell their not because makensey is shaking. And Emma hand keeps opening and closing into a fist. Then the most unpredictable thing happened. Emma and Makensey jumped up and attacked them. I ran over to help them. Liam did too. We grabbed the two kidnappers and took them to the ground. But wait aren't there 3 kidnappers? Then BAM! Liam and I were knocked out.

~Elaina's p.o.v.~

Austin and i are determined to save everyone. Okay let me tell you what happened. Makensey and Emma were taken away. Then we found them and Liam and zayn went to help take down the physcos. But then this other girl came out of no where and attacked them. Then everyone but me and Austin ran over to help but the girl had this spray stuff and they all went unconscious. Then the girls took everyone and put them in the van and sped off down the street. "what just happened?" I asked austin. "they just kidnapped our friends...AGAIN!" Austin said. I started to cry. "what are we going to do? the only one who knows where anything is here is Katie and she was just kidnapped. " I told austin. He gave me a big hug. "shhh calm down. We will all be fine. We will save them. We have to. Let's go see if we can find a police station or phone booth." Austin said trying to calm me down. Any other day I'd be freaking out that he is even talking to me but I just lost all of my friends and my sister! Why me? What have I ever done wrong? I asked myself. "look there's a phone booth" Austin said pointing to the end of the road. We ran down the road. "who should we call?" I asked austin. "let's call simon. The cops will probably think wet insane if we call them saying we were kidnapped with one direction." he said. "okay what's his number?" I asked him. Austin grabbed the phone and typed in the number and it started to call simon. "hello?" a males voice said. "Simon we need ur help." Austin said. "Austin is that you? Where are you guys? The boys haven't been answering their phones." Simon i guess said. "we were kidnapped. Elaina and I escaped them. Can u come pick us up so we can tell u everything? We're in Plymouth Davon." Austin said. "I'm on my way." Simon said and with that he hung up. "now what do we do?" I asked. " we sit here and wait. Just keep a look out for the van we don't want to get spotted.

~Simons p.o.v.~

I have been waiting for the boys forever. They were suppose to be here 1 hour ago fora photo shoot. But now I'm in my car heading to Plymouth davon because Austin called me saying they were kidnapped. Why are people so crazy these days? I asked myself. This will be great for the papers. I can see it now "One Direction and Austin Mahone kidnapped with a couple girls." ugh why is everything so complicated. I pull up to where the Payphone is that called me. I jump out and go over to Austin and this girl. "come on let's go somewhere we won't be noticed at." I said to them. They got up and followed me into the car. That poor girl. It looks like she has been crying for a long time. They put on their seat belts and I drove off to one of my houses. I have one is Plymouth so that's one good thing. When I pulled up we all got out and went into my house. "have a seat. I'll get you guys some hot coco." I told them. They both did as I said. I made them some and brought it out to them. "so tell me everything." I told them.

~Elaina's p.o.v.~

Simon told us to tell him everything so we did. Austin said how they were first attacked by the girls and then me and my friends tried to save them but it didn't work to how Emma and makensey were taken away and how they were taken again. "okay well can u tell me what the girls looked like?" Simon asked looking at me. "of course" I said. "there are three the first one and I guess the leader if the three is tall with light brown hair, oval face, brown eyes, not skinny but not big either. The other girl is about 4"11 lined hair bluish greenish eyes. And the last girl had red hair, was probably my height, had blue eyes and I think her name is lauren." I told him. He nodded. Then he left the room. "I'm scared" I admitted to austin. What if the girls find me and kill me? "they won't because I wont let them." Austin said. "come here Austin said pointing to the spot next to him. I listened and sat next to him. "I know we just met and this probably isn't the best time but will you be my girlfriend?" Austin asked. I could feel my cheeks start to burn up. I looked down. Austin put his hand on my chin and made me look into his eyes. "why me? I'm not pretty? There are millions of girls out there. Much prettier and skinny. So why me?" i asked unsurely. "you are the most beautiful girl I ever met. U are perfect just they way you are." he said to me. Then he pressed his lips against mine. I couldn't help but kiss him back. Then we pulled apart after about 3 minutes because we ran out of breath. While we were kissing I couldn't help but feel fireworks. "so what do u say? Austin said smirking. "ummm okay." I said the best I could. Then we kissed again. We pulled apart when we heard someone cough. I looked up to see Simon smirking. " I knew there was something between you to, but right now we are going with meet with the swat team. We think we located where they are. But we need ur guys help." Simon said. Austin and I got up. Austin grabbed my hand and we walked to Simons car. The whole car ride was quiet. When we arrived at the swat building Austin grabbed my hand and we walked with Simon into the building. When we got to where the swat team people were we took a seat. Then they started asking us questions about how and where we were kidnapped. Then we went into a bunch of different cars and headed to where they think they are. They made a plan using me and Austin. It's risky but we have to take the chance. The plan is Austin and I ring the doorbell when they open it we have to distract them the best we can while swat sneaks in through the back. Swat will get everyone out and then they will attack the kidnappers. I'm very nervous. We are wearing disguises so they shouldn't notice us. And there are swat people all around the house. So we should be one but you never know what can happen. Austin squeezed my hand. I cuddled with him in the car the whole way to where the kidnappers are. Then we kissed and got out. He grabbed my hand and we walked up to the door.

Okay well there's another chapter! Hope you like it! Any ideas just let me know! Please suggest this story to people if u like it!


Kidnapped with One Direction and Austin MahoneWhere stories live. Discover now