Part 2

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They traveled to Orpington, night soon entered the stage and the nine took refuge in an inn.

The old woman went to run an errand leaving her seven daughters with the dejected Merchant.

At this Alice address Walter “My mother will not be returning until dawn…” The Merchant knew that

She was alluding to love-making; he replied “It would be my pleasure to make your full acquaintance,

Your sister’s as well. We can fully express ourselves without the watchful eye of your mother.”

Alice turn redder than a basket of tomatoes, her tongue could not lift to articulate—Walter

Continued to utter his scheme “You and your sisters may come to my room, I will leave the door ajar.

Please take my request to your sisters and If they are willing, we will enjoy a merry time of interesting

Conversations.” Walter returned to his room, he waited—perched on his bed fiercer than a hawk

About to devour a hare. His room door opened and he saw the graceful Juliana enter the room.

Emma, Isabella, and Beatrice behind her. “Olivia, Beth, and Alice refused to come, they said it

Would be unwise to be conserving in a room with a handsome man without their Mother with them.”

Just as Walter thought Olivia is a virtuous woman and she influence Beth and Alice.

“No matter, I will make their full acquaintance some other time—now come let us begin!”

Walter is a seductive man when he chooses to and in no time he escalated the conversation:

From light compliments, to light touches, to sexual simulation. Soon The five of them

Were under the bed sheets caressing each other. Finally, when the passion between them started

To die and the voluptuousness could not continue the sisters left before dawn and Walter left the

Inn and he saw the old lady return in the inn. He did not stop to greet her and went on his roving way

Musing about how meaningless life has become. On his idle walking he met an Old Hag who told him:

“I can see you lost a purpose in life. You no longer see the world as beautiful even when you are

Surrounded by love. You are on a pilgrimage to Canterbury; do not go I advise you—If you

Wish for a purpose listening to me: You have been chosen by Baphomet and the ancient spirits

To become a God, you will attain your kingdom but you must work for your blessing. You will

Kill your contemporaries: every time you slay a man his spirit will be in your kingdom, that man

Will become your servant. Also, the more men you cut off the larger your kingdom will be.

People who follow you, honor you will become your nobles and counsel in your kingdom.

You needed not slay them for they will help build your kingdom henceforth when they die

Doing your work they will be in your kingdom. You will have worshippers and strong advocates.”

The witch strolled towards the baffled Merchant and pulled from her robes a purple ring,

A multicolored gem in the center. The dark witch uttered while the wind softly blew “This ring

Will give you tenfold the strength of 100 oxen, jump fourfold higher than a grasshopper, run threefold

Faster than a horse, and it will make you react twofold better than any cat or hawk.”

The Old Hag placed the ring on the Merchant’s middle finger—He immediately felt superior and godlike.

Then the hag gave him a black bottle and she ordered “You shall kill every being in the inn by

Pouring this bottle of poison made from the underworld. Go to the kitchen and pour the poison

In all the foods. You will not be seen by the Cook nor anyone else. The old lady and her seven

Daughters will die along with everyone in the inn. Do not feel sorry for them for you are doing this

For a great cause and you will soon see all of them in your kingdom.”

She turn her back on Walter and began to walk away from him, Walter called out to her “Wait!

There is so much I want to ask you, why I was chosen to do this!?”

The witch turns and said “Ab aeterno.” The wind blew harshly and the old witch

Vanished as quickly as she had come.

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