Part 6

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Within a month the Nihilist gained two thousand faithful followers. The Priest used his

Charisma to convert many people to Walter’s religion. The Abbot and the Dean supported

Walter but the Prior, the Monk, and the Friar upbraid the Priest for preaching such absurdity

And threaten to report him for his corrupted preaches. The Priest hired an Apothecary,

An Herbalist, and a Gardener to poison his persecutors; the Apothecary died during the Execution.

The mission was a success however and Walter had his followers honor the Apothecary.

Now free from any hindrance, the Priest converted seven thousand followers including

Knights, squires, archers and peasants—all ready to serve and die for their Lord.

One afternoon Walter called his fellow followers to a meeting In the Rochester Cathedral.

“It is time. We must capture Rochester Castle. This is a vital step for us, we must capture the Castle

And fortify the place. We will let everyone know how powerful we are. Do not fear for I am God

You will not die and if you do you will become nobles in my kingdom. Let us march to Rochester Castle!”

The Nihilist raised his ring, it beamed with colorful lights.

His troops marched, the demon in the very front—his head held high like a proud lion.

They finally approach the castle’s boundaries. Immediately as though expecting them to have come,

The watchmen spotted them and raised the alarm: The archers from the castle fired their crossbows.

“As planned we will proceed!” The Nihilist spat and rushed forward while his men raising their shields

To the sky to block the arrows. Walter ran, not an arrow caught him;

He reached the castle door and jumped over the wall. The troops from the enemy’s side were

Astonished to see a man jump over the castle wall. However shocked they shot their arrows

But a failed attempted:  Walter twirled like a tornado drilling men in his way.

Walter then dropped down inside the castle and kicked opened the door.

The moment Walter’s men entered the castle the enemy lost, they started to retreat.

Walter yelled to his men “Let them be. Let them call reinforcements, we will show them how

Mighty we are! As for the Grand duke and the Peerage let them cower in their rooms:

They will be witness.”

Nighttime arrived and the reinforcements came—200,000 knights surrounded the whole castle.

Walter’s archers fired but it was of no use for they were too many.

The knights burst through the castle door with a battering ram. There were too many even for the Nihilist;

His warriors all fell and Walter manage to escape; he was stabbed in his right shoulder.

The Nihilist fled to Faversham where he hoped the Abbot will treat his wounds in the St. Mary Church.

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