Part 4

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No destination but to his kingdom, he killed everyone in sight with his Billhook and Falchion.

He became a bloodthirsty creature no amount of ablution could cleanse.

He was so passionate in his new religion that the Constable and Knights were searching

For him. He was wanted throughout the whole land and people were in fear.

One day Walter was walking pass a farm and he found a Peasant sitting on top of a fence.

Normally, he would have killed the lonely Peasant but for some reason he could not bring himself to do so.

He felt like he knew the Peasant—he felt like they shared a special bond.

Upon his pondering the Peasant address him: “Can you hear it?”

“Yes, I can hear the wind blowing.”

“No, not the wind, can you hear it?”

“I can only hear the wind blowing. The wind is my destiny—I am a ship and the wind directs and stirs me.

Although I cannot see the wind I can feel it, it is close by…”

“I can hear the bell.” Said the Peasant idly

“The bell?”

“Yes, the bell, but it is not a church bell for it sounds too heavenly. Nothing on this earth sounds like it.

It is my destiny in a way—it calls out to me. I listen to the vibrations of the bell reverberating in my core

And onto the world. But it does not command me nor does it guide me. It lets me walk and talk on

My own—I am moving to it, my curiosity is nurtured. The bell is my will…” The peasant ceases to speak

And the wind blew tranquilly embracing them with its cool breath.

The peasant return to his farm and Walter continued to walk, thinking profoundly.

What is the bell, how does it sound? Walter thought. He could not kill the Peasant but why?

He traveled afoot until nightfall and he took a rest in a grove.

He dreamt: he saw the Old Hag atop of two pillars, each foot to one.

The clouds were purple and the sun blue.

The witch said with a thunderous voice: “Your name will be chanced henceforth to Nihilist—wake up

56 rioters are on the road. They plan to slay you because they do not understand your intentions!”

The Nihilist arose and he saw a light coming from the direction of the road. He thought for a while

Whether he should go towards the light or stay in the forest. He decides to go to the light.

I cannot die, he thought, I have this ring and I am bless by Baphomet and the ancient spirits.

He walked towards the light and jumped on the road, rioters were facing him,

56 in total like the Old Hag said in his vivid dream.

The rioters were holding torches, swords, and pitchforks. The Man in the Middle of the crowd

Spoke “You have killed too many people; you are a wicked foul man we will execute you.

The Knights and Constable are taking their time, you must die prepare yourself.”

Not hesitating for a second the Nihilist attacked the rioters with his Billhook and Falchion;

Stabbing, hatching, and slashing the rioters all died expected the leader who dropped his sword.

He knelt before the demon and cried “What are you? You killed all of my 55 men and yet you

Are unharmed, how so? Please I ask for your sympathy do not slay me I have three children

And a wife—they will mourn of my death! Have pity for a foolish man and let me live!”

He wept and looked around and saw his bloody fallen comrades.

The Nihilist answered: “Fear not, I will not kill you. I have a message for you to deliver to the Constable:

Meet me in Gillingham by the Rochester Cathedral three days from now on midnight.

He may bring as many knights as he please.”

The Nihilist held his Billhook above his head “I will cut both your hands so the Constable will believe you.

Be happy that I did not take your life foolish man!”

He swooped and cut both the man’s hands off, screaming the man left a trail of red blood.

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