Part 7

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He was breathing heavily, a stream of blood producing from his manly right shoulder.

He ran and reached the church in Faversham within an hour;

When he arrived he saw a plethora of solders on horses awaiting him.

Surprised, he ran to Hernhill; while running he lamented and cried:

“Have the Abbot and the Priest betrayed me? Why, why have you forsaken me Baphomet?

Why did you choice me if I was not worthy? Where is the old hag? I need your advice

Please I am in despair!” The old witch did not come. The wind blew the trees, rustling the

Leaves to and fro. Was he doing this for nothing? He thought.

He thought of the Peasant he met by the farm. He still did not understand the Peasant:

What is the Bell? What does it sound like? His mind told him that you do not have to

Look for the bell, it is in his core.

He ran in a forest in Blean, while he was running he tripped over a root of a Fig tree.

He got up, brushed himself, and continues with his roving journey. Walter felt he had no purpose again.

His speedy legs unconsciously carried him to the Westgate in Canterbury.

He stopped in front of the entrance of the Westgate and, soon knights encircled him.

The Nihilist smiled and boasts “You cannot kill me I was chosen by Baphomet and the ancient spirits.

I have become God, you cannot kill me. You all will die and enter my kingdom. I am almighty because of

This— He looked down at his robust hands expecting to see a purple ring with a colorful gem

But all he found on his middle finger was his one skin. “How could this happen? I’ve lost the ring?

It must have been when I tripped on that accursed tree. No!” He collapses:

His body felt weak and fragile. He was now aware of the pain on his right shoulder.

Walter fainted like a fallen king as the knights captured him as the wind swerved with the

Brown leaves over their heads.

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