Chapter One - Part 4

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Staring up at the tiles above my head, they looked shiny to my eyes. Even more glossy than the ones in my bedroom at my family's home, I really would like to know why. Then I remembered, I was one of the more modern hospitals my family had control over.

They must have brought me into my family's hospital when I was knocked out. I prefer a normal hospital, but it was nice to look out of my window. I would see the busy city street a floor below me. Even if I had to, my body would not be able to reach the window. People could only go a short amount of distance, before even the fastest person would faint.

Using your imagination, can make things look a lot better than they are. I could imagine what Lily got done to the new officer. He was still new to the security department. I had guessed he would be told to find another life.

My sister probably told someone to kick him off of the force, for thinking a royal was a hacker. I really thought about it. I never saw the guy before this.

A large amount of trouble could have gone towards the officers. He was gone to me. I would never see him again in my life. Like he was sent to jail, or even ended up dead. But they would just make up a cover story for his family to not be suspicious.

Thanks to me, Zeus will have a following like no other. I hoped more people would show up to the address. But maybe I should have used my own code name. That would make me way to be involved with the rebellion.

The decadents and Zeus are about to get things started. I will be the guy who connected them. But to the rest of the city, I would be known as the prince who got hit by a car.

I had a weird feeling, Lily would not call the press back. They have to tell the public what happened to me. I was way too good of a story for him.

With a smile on my face, I called the only newspaper reporter I had always counted on. They knew what I was getting them involved in, and what could happen to them if they got caught.

'Hello.' I wrote to the reporter. 'This is the prince. I had some time to think about what happened during the accident. And could care less, who you told about our last interaction. I would like it if you sent me the news article out in the next newspaper. Thank you and yes, I am doing fine. And will be out of the hospital soon. I'll be in contact then.'

Sending the email was easy, like writing it. Lily came walking into my room. She had a worried look on her face, like always.

Lily asked me. "What's that all about?"

"I knew you wouldn't make the call." I reminded her. "With your busy life. So I did it myself. I have every right to get in contact with the press."

"No." Lily told me. "You don't need to."

"Really, it's my life." I reminded her. "And I get to decide who knows my truth and secrets."

"It involves more than just you." She told me. "It also has one of my officers, who got involved."

"Too bad." I said. "You didn't say that it was a big deal. To you."

"Well, mom and dad won't be dropping by." Lily said. "And they would be out of the country for the next couple of weeks."

"Whatever." I sighed. "It's not like they actually care about what is going on. I was the only one to show up at the hospital."

Lily walked into my bedroom. She had her eyes on the laptop in front of me. I had received my laptop back from the security team, after their investigation had closed.

"So." She said. "I have to go."

Lily left the door open. She headed back out of my bedroom. She seemed to not notice the guy standing by my window.

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