Chapter 7 - "Is he talking about the princess of Carrington?"

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Hey guys, I'm sorry it's taken so long to post an update but like I said it's because I had exams going on. Anyway I hope that you all enjoy this chapter. And Let me know if you like it in the comments.

Spencer was minding his own business, about to finish his last round of swim reps, when Nathaniel came bursting through the gym doors, yelling his name.

"Dude-you're not gonna believe what just happened in the cafeteria"

"What," Spencer starts, removing his goggles from his face, as he climbs out of pool "Did someone start a food fight again?" He asked, uninterested.

Food fights in the cafeteria were a regular thing at their school, so he didn't know what Nate was so enthusiastic about.

Nate shook his head, before tossing a towel in Spencer' s direction which he easily catches with one hand, as he divulges into the story.

"No, it's better than that. Apparently one of the new kids just got in a fight with your girlfriend. It's all over the school website."

"First of all," Spencer begins to say, turning to look at Nathaniel as he dries off his wet skin, "She's not my girlfriend and also -what were they fighting about?" he questions with furrowed brows.

"I don't know man, I didn't watch the video yet," Nate shrugs. "But I do know that Chloe was fuming mad, when she left the cafeteria" He answers, showing Spencer a clip of the incident on his phone.

Spencer wipes his face with the towel, and let's his gaze fall upon the video in front of him. And sure enough, there was Chloe, having what looked like a heated argument with the new kid he'd seen in his math class that morning.

"So, what are you gonna do about it?" Nathaniel asked him, as the video ends.

"Nothing. It's time Chloe fought her own battles and left me out of it" Spencer replied. He was fed up of having to put up with Chloe's shenanigans, just for the sake of his parents.

Just then, they're interrupted, by the sound of the gym doors being slammed against the wall and in walks Chloe and her two minions. The former seemingly upset as she walks up to Spencer.

"Hey Babe," Chloe says, wrapping her arms around Spencer's neck. "Wanna come over to my house later, my parents haven't seen you in forever. They miss you and so do I."

Nathaniel cringes a little, clearly sick of the sight in front of him. A sight he's had the displeasure of witnessing every day at school. So he bids a small goodbye to Spencer, who sends him a look,before he practically runs out the gym.

"Chloe, for the last time," Spencer begins to say, whilst removing Chloe's hands from around his neck. "I'm not your boyfriend, so stop bothering me. The only reason I even put up with you,is because our parents are friends."

Hurt flashes across Chloe's face for a split second, but it's gone before Spencer can see it.

"Baby, please" Chloe whines, putting on a puppy dog face that she knew Spencer was unable to resist since they were kids.

Spencer remains indifferent for albeit a few seconds before he finally gives in, "Fine,but after this, we're done"


Meanwhile in the cafeteria, Arabella, Zack and Mason were having fun chatting with their new friends. And Arabella realizes that they all share a lot in common. Well..,except for the fact that Alex was apparently in love with the princess.

"Blake, princess Arabella is here in Kensington" Alex informs his friend while staring fondly at a picture on his phone.

His sister rolls her eyes and began muttering something along the lines of 'hear we go again.'

Arabella exchanges a quick look of panic with Zack and Mason at the mention of her name, but luckily the others didn't seem to notice.

"Is he talking about the princess of Carrington?" Arabella questions, hoping that the latter was talking about a different princess.

"Yep, that's the one." Alexis nodded "He has a massive crush on her"

"Nah I think it's more of an obsession" Elizabeth says, joining the conversation.

"By the way, Has anyone ever told you that you look a lot like the princess of Carrington. Like apart from your hair colour, you look exactly like her." Alexis says, staring at her intently.

And suddenly the rest of the group all turned to look at Arabella and she felt like a deer trapped in head lights.

"Nope, I've actually never heard that before in my life" Arabella laughed, nervously.

"Now that you mentioned it, she really does look a lot like the princess." Alex agreed.

"Yeah, they could be twins" Blake added.

"I'm flattered that you all think so, but we really don't look alike at all." She responds, trying her best to change the topic.

Alexis looks at her suspiciously, but decides to drop the topic. Arabella silently thanks the brunette in her mind.

Now hopefully she could make it to the end of the school day, without anybody else almost figuring out her identity.

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