Something's wrong in the car

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Now looking back at it, it looked like China just took her out of that forest and into his house without her consent, not that she could say anything at that time anyway.

Pandas were a big hit to China after finding out that the marvelous creatures had single-handedly raised Goa ever since she was an infant, and Goa wasn't as obsessed with them as China but she loves them and snakes more for some odd reason.

"Bella, are you a-okay?" Italy asks from behind making Goa snap out of her thoughts.

"Oh yes Italy, I'm fine," Goa reassured, looking outside of the windshield of the car "I just have a lot of my mind right now."

"Are you sure, Hancock-onesan?" Japan asks again to make sure, feeling worried for her since she didn't speak ever since they came to pick her up.

Goa nodded again, then going silent.

Fearing the worst Germany took a second to look away from the road to glance at his wife next to him searching for an answer to her silence, his eyebrows scrunched together in question "Zid India do zomething?"

Immediately Japan reached behind for his katana while Italy attempted to make a white flag out of Germany's paperwork.

Goa shook her head again and it seemed that it was not caring this time, "No, it's okay Germany."

It's bad now, the Axis' thought. Goa would never miss an opportunity to call Germany his nickname, that supposedly only she was allowed to call him. When she doesn't they know she is either angry with him or something much worse.

Japan and Italy looked at Germany to see his reaction to her, Germany coughed to get her attention "Hancock, are you mad at me?" he asked, the nation beside him looked at him in confusion.

"Méiyǒu, why would I be mad at you? You did nothing wrong. There's nothing for you to be worried about." Goa answered, before turning to the window and plopping her elbow on it and looking at the view outside.

"Well, you didn't say anything after we picked you up so I assumed something happened."

She nodded in understanding, "Thank you for your concern, but it's really okay, it will pass up sooner or later," Goa reassured them, still staring outside the window then she lifted her head up with an idea in mind, "Actually, could I ask a favor?"

Germany looked into his rearview mirror at Japan and Italy for assurance: Italy held a car-made flag out of a mixture of both Germany and Goa's paperwork and Japan did a hand slicing his throat motion.

Quickly turning back to Goa he answered, "Sure, anything you want."

The Axis Powers' car was in front of a familiar house - the Asian/Chinese household or what used to be until almost everyone moved out.

"Mein liebe? Are you sure?" Germany asked again earning a nod from Goa. 

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