Cold Summer Days

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On an unsuspecting day in September Goa made tea in the kitchen, using one of the gifted packets ones given by England to prepare as a drink for leisure.

Slipping in a few drops of honey into the tea Goa lifted up her cup to her mouth and she sipped it with pleasure letting out a few hmm's and ahh's at the combined bittersweetness of her drink.

She poured two cups of hot tea and drizzled the honey into the drink and stirring it contempt until putting them both onto a tray before bringing it up the stairs carefully passing by a multitude of hung portrait family shots of her family.

One was taken with Germany on their country's celebration of unity. Another taken with her Asian family when she was in her youth. There was also a picture with Xelin as a child carried by herself with Russia's hand over her shoulder. Then of course a family one taken with Germany and her son.

Goa smiled at the pictures as she passed by each one when passing Russia's she vaguely remembered how his visits were getting fewer and fewer as time flew by making her smile drop into.

She missed him, Xelin too but he was just better at hiding it. He was there even before Germany, he was her only neighbor that wasn't apart of her extended Asian family after all.

He was there when it counted and helped raised Xelin into the country he is today, but maybe without him, Xelin would've strayed away from Russia's habits and tendencies as well...-

"Goa." the said country jumped out of her skin at the sudden voice snapping her out of her thoughts.

Looking down the stairs while balancing the cups on her tray she shouted "Drake, don't sneak up on me like that! And why did you call me Goa all of a sudden!"

Looking unbothered by her shouts Xelin held his hand out for his mother to see.

Goa's eyes widened "Is that poison dripping out your hand!?" she ditched the tray onto the table at the bottom of the stairs and clutched his hands in worry. "Oh god, it's spreading at an awfully fast rate! What happened this time Drake?!"

The said country shrugged his shoulders uncaringly.


In the next few moments, Goa pushed Xelin into her bedroom and made him sit on the bed while she began to dig through the closet in attempts to find something. Clothes started littering the floor as well as toppled over boxes.

"Mother, calm down for a moment." Xelin urged.

"No, you need to stay calm!"

"You're the one going 1000bpm over here."

"You need to stay calm otherwise the poison will spread even faster! Oh my designer bags, my kit isn't here!" Goa panicked as she reached the end of the closet and there was a missing box.

"Where could it be!? Did I lend that to someone??"

"Am I in trouble?" he asked innocently, holding out his arm where the poison was visible in view already leaking out from his cut.

"What's going on here?" Germany entered the room and looked from Xelin's hand to Goa's panicked state scrummaging through the contents of their closet.

"We need to go to Russia!" she demanded.

Germany could not say anything at that moment, but he couldn't disagree with her. She was right.

They have no choice.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 30, 2020 ⏰

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