Chapter 1

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Requested by gyulisa6776

"hey um, Thai girl. Can you help me do my work?" I look at the boy, my classmate. I was just reading one of my favourite genres of book, supernatural romance which not all people likes them. Including the students in this school.

Yeah, I repeat. The students in this school. I studied in an elite school in Seoul, one of the reason is that my parents wanted to so that it's easy for me to go to school with my brother, Mingyu. He's in his senior year now but he loves to come visit me during lunch break and when school's over.

Why I've been called Thai girl, well I don't know what makes me look like one. But the students even the teachers called me a Thai tourist which got me a little offense by that. I'm Korean but they called me Thai girl for nothing. Just to make fun of me. It does hurt at first but I ignore it and it already became familiar.

"hey! Aren't you listening?" I snapped back and saw the guy earlier tapping her exercise book several times. "sorry, what was that again?" he scoffed and throw the book on his table. "maybe you should be called ad deaf thai girl. That suits you more. Huh!" he left.

I kept myself quiet. Being bullied is just so painful but what can you do about it? Just be silent and wear a smile on your face, pretending you were happy with your wonderful life.

The school bell rang which it's time to go home, I pack my stuff preparing to leave. In the classroom there are still a few girls who are said to be popular. I ignored them and quickly rushing out of the classroom.  As I walked to the exit, something caused me to stumble and nearly fell but luckily Mingyu caught me in his arms.

My heart pounded faster, not because that he holds me but because the sudden incident that happened. What if Mingyu wasn't there yet? Maybe I would've break my skull. "Lisa, you okay?" he asked in concern. I just nodded, don't want to get into trouble. I know lots of girls in the school is in love with my brother but he doesn't care.

"hey, I bet you girls are the one who make her stumble. Just admit it." he said in a low tone. The girls gulped and quickly left. I stand on my feet afterwards, everyone paid their attention towards us "it's okay. I'm fine, let's just go home. Mom must be waiting for us." He sighed hard and wrapped his arms around my shoulder.







After finish showering, I decided to finish up my leftover homework. It wasn't that much, just one subject since I've done it during lunch break. I was about to sit down at my study table, not until a knock on my door shocks me.

"Lisa, let's have a dinner. Mom and dad is out for a dinner night at their workplace." Mingyu said. I nodded, keeping myself as quiet as I can. I don't like talking much. He then close the door and walk downstairs.

He prepared lots of food just the two of us, he knows I love food much. "wow, aren't you tired of cooking even it's just the 2 of us?" I asked as I took my seat facing him. He then came from the kitchen with a pan that has sunny side up eggs in it. He placed it on the plate and put the pan away.

"well if it wasn't because of you, you always eat non stop and didn't remember that there's still people who are hungry." he whined. I just laughed at him "thanks." we ate the dinner. He decided to watch some movies after dinner but I refused since I need to get my job done.

I went upstairs and finish up the stuff that I need to get ready for school. After that, I plated with my phones while lying on my bed. I don't like watching movies much like Mingyu does but since he wanted to become an actor, he studied acting through watching dramas and movies.

He had lots of offer to become a model and teenage actor but since our parents doesn't allow him to get an early age job, he has to hold on the offer for a while. Glad this is his last year of studying, he's 19 already so then after school he doesn't have to go to any college and just take the offer and get a job. While me, I don't want to. I just continue on becoming a normal person.

After minutes of playing my phone, I suddenly felt bored as I stop playing. Then the door open "you're not asleep yet?" Mingyu asked through the open door. I shook my head "ok, make sure to sleep early. Get enough rest. Goodnight." he said and left. "bye goodnight." I replied back.

I put my phone on the table lamp, untie my hair down and turn off the lights. My eyes start to become sleepy and which I insist that is my sleep hour. I wasted no time and quickly drifted to sleep.







As I was sleeping, something doesn't feel right. There's something. Something that makes me feel very uncomfortable, it's like I've been watched by someone. I don't want to open my eyes, I know I always had a sleep paralysis. But this time makes me curious to know.

Be brave Lisa. Their just playing with you.

I talk to myself as I take a deep breath and sit up. My room wasn't completely dark as always. It was shining with blue lights coming from the moon outside my window, there's also something or maybe, accurately, someone. Sitting on the chair of my study table which I thought it was Mingyu.

"Mingyu? What are you doing here?" no answer. Those eyes are shining in blue, narrowed and has very small shaped eye. It was looking straight into my eyes. I asked again "Ming-" "I'm not the person that you've said."

I was about to scream but something shockingly happened, he cupped my mouth. Pinning me down on my own bed. He wore a red bloody coloured coat matching with his pants and his hair was dyed in grey.

My body start shaking badly, sweat falls down at the corner of my head and my heart can't stop beating fast due to the nervousness "shh... It's okay. I won't hurt you, I just want a slightly part of you for me." he smirked, I can see lines of his white strong teeth and there's his fangs. Sharp and dazzling.

Hearing him saying those words makes me scared, I close my eyes and cried silently. He let go of my mouth "if you be quiet and be a good girl, I promise I won't hurt you more than what I'll do later." I shook my head "no please. Just take whatever you want in this room but not me."

He then chuckled with his deep voice "I don't need any of the humans trashes." I open my eyes after listened to his words. Humans? "what do you mean by humans? Are you...." "you must've loved supernatural like were werewolf, goatman and the one that you kike the most."

I thought to myself for a while "vampires." he smirked again "precisely." I look at him, he does looks like a vampire. Wearing all fancy clothes and the vampire princes will wear a red bloody colour when meeting their first victim. Wait! Wearing red bloody clothes. First victim. Don't tell me...

"I am a vampire prince."