Chapter 2

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"come that again." I look at him. He doesn't move, eyes stare deeply into mine which makes me more nervous. He kept on examining my face "I'm a vampire prince, sweety. "I didn't believe that."

He scoffed "what can I prove to you that I am a vampire? Instead of fangs and bloodsucker." as much as novels I have read, most vampires have six sense so maybe this will prove it "mind reading." he just frowned "think of a thing."

I bet he never knew what I'm thinking. What's my name?

"Lalisa Kim." he answered it immediately. I was shock with the sudden answer "o-okay.  That's a pass. Shape shifting." before he could answer the doorknob on my room door twisted. I look at the door immediately only to see Mingyu peeked his head with messy sleepy hair and eyes half open.

He squinting his eyes all over my room "who are talking to?" he asked. I was stuttering only to see nothing in front of me. The vampire was gone, I scratch my head "umm... I was..." then a black cat hop onto my bed. Black cat? Blue eyes? I look at that thing shock.

"hmm. A cat. I know you're a cat lover but don't let the cat stay in the house for a long time. Mom can't stand fur, you know-"

"she'll be sneezing excessively. Yes, I will put the cat back out. Just go get your sleep back and lock my door." he nodded and do as I told before leaving to his room. I sighed in relief. "that was a close call." then I remembered the cat, it has turn back to the vampire.

He standing straight beside my bed "a cat?" "black cat. I like cats too. Just shut up." he said as he took off his coat and hung it on the arm chair. I giggle to myself "a vampire loves cat, I know that." he chuckled, roll his sleeves up to his elbow and look at me. But I was still have that fear surrounding myself, a vampire. A vampire prince. Standing in front of me. In my room.

"good thinking, sweety." he said in a husky tone. I get off my bed and sat dowm properly "what's you name?" he look straight into my eyes that sends shivers down my spine with his sharp gaze "Wonwoo. And I'm here to claim my first victim." my breathes hitched.

I can't breathe properly, he walk closer "wait! You're a bloodsucking vampire?" he smirk, leaning down which his face closer to mine "as soon as I suck your blood, I'll become one. And I will have the title 'A Vampire Prince' for the rest of my life until you die."

My heart almost dropped down. He went down to the side of my neck, pushing me down softly, back laying flat on the bed. Can't believe this is happening. A real vampire. Both his hands pinned my hands above my head, his warm breath can be feel on the crook of my neck.

"I bet it won't hurt you." he said. "please don't be too- argh!" I didn't even finish my sentence, the pain of his fangs past through the skin of my neck and the flesh makes me feel like my soul my come out. I can hear his growling, the grip on my wrists getting tighter that it might break.

Tears falls down my cheek, I can't handle the pain enough. It hurts so much "no.. I had... Enough... Plea-" the more I beg him to stop, the deeper his fangs went. His growl getting even more wild like a hungry wolf lapping the skin of a dead moose.

I felt lifeless in a second, after a while he finally done sucking my blood. I line of blood can be seen on his lips down to his chin, he lean back down again close to me. I have no avail to stop him thought he might suck my blood again but instead of that, he lick the remaining blood that was dripping down. It doesn't stained my bedsheet, thank god.

He turn his body, back facing me "you're officially mine. That first bite will be lasting until the end of your life, the next bite won't have those bite marks." I don't have any energy left to talk to him. I forced myself to sit up "what would that mean?" he turn around "I can come anytime I want for your blood. Even when you're at your school. You're my permanent blood servant until you die. Get that?"

I nodded but there's more that wasn't clear. I was about to asked him but then his figure was out of sight. His coat is still hanging on my armchair. I went to get the coat and hide it in my closet before Mingyu or my parents find out.

As I was bringing the coat to my closet, I was too caught up with the scent. A masculine type of scent. I does hurt when he bites but knowing how gentle he without forcing me, I was speechless. Out of words. Ok, enough Lisa. You have classes tomorrow, focus on sleeping.







I sit silently as always, no students ever bother me from what happened yesterday. They know Mingyu will be so pissed if they disturb me but they doesn't care much of it and straight on bullying me.

Thinking about Mingyu, I remember how Wonwoo were in my room last night. Grey hair, blue eyes, soft cherry red lips, sharp nose and jawline, lean and masculine body. They are still going around my head non stop that caught me off guard that the teacher finally came in.

Weird. Supposed to be English class first "okay, students. No need to greet me yet, my class is on the 3rd period. I came her to give you a news, Mr. Charles will be out to continue her study so you will be receiving a new teacher for the English period. Please, treat him well."

When the door opens, the girls in my class start fangirling which also makes me curious to know what is so interesting aboyt the new teacher. When I peak my head up a bit, I cupped my mouth. Not making any sound. It's him! This can't be!

"hello everyone! My name is Jeon Wonwoo. Just call me Mr. Jeon or maybe I bet the boys wanted to call me Mr. Woo or Mr. Won? Wasn't it boys?" they all laughed. "good one sir!" he chuckled. The girls beside me can't stop fangirling over him.

"he's hot though."

"yeah, I can tell that he has a lean body."

"omg, I wish he is a P.E teacher not an English teacher."

I was really annoyed but then look outside the window when he started talking. I rub the bite marks that he left me yesterday, it's still felt sting but I ignore it.