Chapter 13

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After that chaos night at Vampiro Sangriento Real Castle, we all went back to school like literally nothing happened. But most students were very shocked to see the hotties, Jisoo, Jennie and Rose now was hanging out with me. Well, it all happened during the party though.

"Lisa, do you go anywhere after class?" Jennie asked while buffering her nails. Raising my head from the novel that I was reading and look at her "umm, I don't have anything. Why?" "cool! Let's go shopping with me. Jisoo has acting classes and Rose is involved in a vocal class so I'm all alone." she playfully glared at them.

Jisoo fake laughed "you should join the school activities, then how will you get extra points for the school student annual award at the end of the year?" she whined. I laughed, this is what it feels having friends. They seem very hyper and happy especially Jisoo.







"Mingyu, can you bring the cart? We'll shop lots of stuff. Let's go Lisa, I want to find some organics." Jennie already far away at the front while me and Mingyu are just relaxing, walking behind. Of course there will be an awkward silence between us, ever since what happened nights ago and after I moved out.

Silence keeps om going. Nothing. Quiet. "so, how's you and Wonwoo doing?" he suddenly asked, trying to avoid eye contact. I nodded a few times "good and quiet well. Nobody asked on what's between you and Jennie?" he shook his head and lower his head down. Sighing hard "look Lisa. I'm very sorry."

I raise my head, he was still avoiding from having an eye contact with me. "I wasn't mad or upset with the lies of my origin. Now all I want is just a confession. How long you've been in this age?" I can see that he's clearly shocked.

He sighed afterwards "I'm not 19 now. Ever since Seungcheol bit me and turn me into a half vampire, I physically grew up too fast. So now my actual age is 199 and I will stay with this look for the rest of my life." I grip on the cart handle, holding his tears from coming out.

Like what I said, he doesn't like it when people disturb him while he was in a problem but not me. I know him very well, he needs to be happy rather than being a grumpy old puppy he is. I didn't say a thing, I hug him tight which caught him quite shocked with my action "it's okay."

He caress my hair down and hug me tighter "you know how much I love you right?" I nodded and raise my head to look at him. How much I hate him before, I hate the fact that I love him too. "I never love you as my sister either my sibling. But I love you as someone I could marry with and take a good care in the future."

He leans closer, only after that's to feel his plump lips on mine. I never had any chances to actually kiss him after Jennie suddenly appeared out of nowhere "wow! Mingyu and Lisa was kissing. This is very umexpected for the 2 lovers. Glad you guys aren't blood related. Now grab your feets up, we're leaving."







Mingyu decided to send me home after done grocery shopping with Jennie. We stopped at the door of my apartment "so you're not going to come back home?" I shook my head. I was happy living aline no one can ever tell me what to do "I'm fine here. I got Wonwoo with me and he can take a good care of me."

"oh, I see. Well, let's just see each other tomorrow then at school." I nodded and he quickly left the apartment. As I close the door, Wonwoo was there sitting on couch. "you're waiting for me?" I asked him as I put the bags of groceries in the kitchen. Still no answer from him.

I look at him, he was just looking at the television not even answering my question "hey, Wonwoo-" "where have you been after the class?" he asked, eyes still fixed on the screen. I was stuttering "I was just going on a shopping with Jennie. Is there anything wrong?"

He stood up and walk closer to me, our faces are very close that I can feel his warm breath on my face "did Mingyu kissed you?" I can't lie because he knows everything. I can see that his eyes already shining red "I'm asking you politely, Lisa. Did. Mingyu. Kissed. You?"

I nodded as an answer, he holds my both of my cheeks and swipe his thumb on my lower lips "how can you betrayed me like that? You know that you only belong to me." he leans closer and kiss my lips. His lips. I love it more that Mingyu's.

His lips have more affection than what Mingyu have which is why I chose to love him more than anybody. He then released the kiss, looking straight into my eyes. I know that there's still anger in him through his eyes "you're still mad." "I know that. If you didn't tell the truth earlier maybe you won't be able to live the next day."

He push my hair to the side "I haven't get any blood since morning and you should know that too." I nodded willingly. Wonwoo then planted his fangs deep into my flesh, I cried in pain like always. My feet are weekened, so Wonwoo immediately carry me to our shared bedroom and continuing on sucking my blood.