Chapter 3

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I can't stop thinking about him. What is he doing here!? Why the hell all of a sudden!? Can't he just go to other school!? I keep on slapping my forehead making the 3 girls beside me me looking at me, weirdly. "umm, Lalisa? Are you okay?" one of the girl named Jennie asked.

I chuckled and shook my head "nothing, just a slight headache." I lied. Actually, Id didn't. I do have a slight headache. I feel very weak out of sudden. Everything look so blurry and I could hear Jennie scream for help and of course the last thing I saw is Wonwoo himself before I totally collapse.







My head really hurts when I woke up, I was in a nursing room. I look beside and Wonwoo was taking reading a book, the book that I love to read. He was wearing glasses "hmm, you're awake." I rub the part of my neck that he bite, it's still there but less painful than last night and this morning.

A loud thump can be heard outside and suddenly Mingyu rushed inside "Lisa! Oh, thank god you're okay. Are you?" he asked, holding my hands tight. "gosh, you're cold. What happened nurse?" he asked again, why he acted so panic?

The nurse came with a clipboard and papers on it "according to the diagnosis, her blood count is kinda low. So she's kinda weak and needs to be send to the hospital." Mingyu sighed hard and lean closer as our forehead touches. I don't know but I really felt safe around him, I really hope he's not my biological brother.

Then Wonwoo cough, by mean cough, purposely. He's the cause of me getting my blood count low, I glare at him "doesn't mean to interrupt but I guess this girl really needs to go to the hospital real quick to get more blood." he glared coldly at Mingyu.

"sorry Mr. Jeon, but you're the one who need to bring her. Mr. Kim still needs to continue his class, sorry Mingyu." the nurse said and holds Mingyu's shoulder. He pouts in sadness "ok, I'll come pick you up after at the hospital okay? Take care. Call me after that." he give a like a peck on my forehead before leaving.







The ward where I was located is kinda empty since the hospital sponsored for our school. I waited inside the suite alone, the blood tube was already injected inside me. I'll have to wait for a few hours to get the whole pack of blood to be finished.

But since it's already pass 3 pm, the pack is already done "ok, Lisa. You'll be discharge after the results of your blood testment is done. Mr. Jeon?" he smiled and nodded. I was all silent, I don't want to talk to him at all. Hearing footsteps from his shoes, my eyes straight away focus on his movements.

He close the door, a click can be heard from the doorknob. He locked the door "why did you lock the door?" I asked him, scared, afraid and nervous. He walk closer to me and bend down so that he's face is on the same level as me "huh, you do remember what I said last night, don't you?"

He holds me chin "I'm asking you, sweety." I can see that he's actually burn up, he's eyes wasn't blue anymore but it turns red. It does gaves me goosebumps "I'm...." I gulped. He lick his lower lips "you're what? SAY IT!" he raised his voice.

I shrunk from the inside "yours. Your blood slave." "that so you know. You've made me angry for some reason." he harshly let my chin go and walk towards the window. My blood also boiled. What the hell is wrong with this guy!? Who he think he is? Just a vampire.

"hey! He's my brother! You're just a monster that came into my life for no hell reason!" I yelled. Letting go all the anger I could at him.

"a monster?" he scoffed "you should take that word back inside your mouth, sweety." he said, pointing his index finger at me. I also scoff and glare at him "you're no one to say that to me." he walk closer to me.

I didn't get to say anything as soon as he hovered over me, pinning both my hands above my head. "hey! Let me go you brat!" my heart pound so fast when his lips attached to mine. He's too strong. I can't move an inch "don't bother fighting me. I'm more powerful than you are. You're weak. "

I kept on squirming but can't even fight at all. He's right, I'm too weak. He leans down to my neck and wasted no time, quickly planted his fangs on the flesh of my neck. It does hurt like yesterday but this pain is more than enough. I guess he did got mad.

I try squirming but I can't do anything. He's too strong, the more I try to let myself go, the tighter his grip and bites. "don't fucking squirming!" he growled. With that, I just give up and slowly my head suddenly aching me. I sighed "Won... Woo. I can't take... It anymore."

He kept on going, didn't even listen to my begged. My vision start to blurry and all of a sudden things became pitch black.


Suddenly came to my thoughts, her blood doesn't taste the same anymore. It taste bitter, when I stopped, only to saw her already passed out. "Lisa? Hey, sweety?" I try shaking her but no reaction. She literally passed out. Goddamn it.

I wipe the remaining blood away, trying to not panic but things getting worse when someone knock the door. I can't think of anything straight so I carry her in a bridal style disappeared away.

I brought her back home, without letting her brother or more precisely, step brother. She didn't know that yet but I'll keep it as a secret first. I went into her room and lay her down on her bed, I push the strains of hair to the side and kiss her lips.

It tastes like strawberry "sorry, sweet heart." I gave one last peck on her cheeks and left her. I stand at one of the roof and watch from far, Mingyu walk inside with a shock expression calling both his parents to only see Lisa passed out.

"you should be more careful when you're angry, Won. She's weak and she can't last long." the voice of my big brother. I stayed silent and let my gigantic wings fly me away.