Chapter 12

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I lay down on Wonwoo's bed with him, I was in between his arm as he hug me tighter in his embrace. I rested my head on his chest "what's between you and Mingyu?" I asked but all I heard was a hard sighed from him. I don't care if he doesn't want to tell me but what I care was my life was in chaos. With the lies I've been living in.

"I owe Mingyu a lot actually. It all happened when he was 14 and you're 13. It was almost night."







I was walking alone at an empty road of a residence. Lisa had been whining all day just for me to get her a box of chocolate milk and a stuffed vanilla bread. "aishh! This girl should follow me, I didn't even know what she want." I whined to myself.

As I was struggling to walk up a steep hill to my house, a guy then came out of nowhere. Light blue hair, sharp blue eyes and was wearing a hoodie. He slipped and fell into a pile of garbage that was there so I ran up towards him "sir? Hey, are you okay?"

He raise his head and was breathing heavily "please, cover me up. I really need your help, Mingyu." I was shocked. How did he knows my name "no time to explain. There they are." I turn around and saw several guys with leather jackets and each one of them were holding a weapon.

I hold the plastic bag tight. One of the guy them reach me, taking of his sunglass "hey little kid, have you seen a guy with blue colour hair and eyes ran around here?" I gulped. Then I thought of something "oh, uh... He went that way. I think he brought something with him too."

He scoffed and tell the rest of his friends, going to the opposite way from the way to my home. I giggled, proud of myself and look back at the pile of garbage for the man. Shockingly and spookily, he's gone. There's only a black cat here.

"sir? Hey, where are you?" the cat that was there meows. I was shock to hear the cat amswer my question, I mean it was satisfying cause when a cat answer your question that means they understand on what did you talk. I look around, still calling the guy earlier "sir!? Hey wh-" "thanks."

I almost yell when the cat suddenly turns to the guy earlier. I almost wet my pants cause of him "sorry for startling you but thanks. I owe you something in the future. I'm Wonwoo by the way." he let me shake his hand so I just bravely take it. Damn! His hand is really cold. I look at him "wait before you leave, how do you know my name was Mingyu?"

He smiled, on the spot and on timing the moonlight shines showing his sharp fangs and shining blue eyes. "you'll have that ability too. I just want to say, I'll take care of your sister one day and you should protect her. Lalisa. I believe in you, Mingyu. Be good boy and be the chosen one."

He said as he patted my head and ruffled my hair softly "see you soon enough, Mingyu." he ran away like before and I yelled at him "bye, Wonwoo-hyung! Until we meet again!" he wave his hand up in the air without even looking back and disappeared out of my sight.







I still remember those days. The first day I have ever met Wonwoo, he was awesome and very kind, we've seen each other a lot after that and he was absolutely nice. But not until I was 15, he was there. The day I've turned into a half vampire, he was just looking at me been bitten by Seungcheol without mercy. I just want him to help me but nothing. He just looking at me.

That was when I decided on not having a good brotherhood relationship with him anymore. The albums. Every single thing he have either about me nor us. I want to get rid of it really bad. I've been betrayed. I felt bad. I thought when I didn't even in contact with him anymore he would be out of my life but I was wrong. He had my sister. Just like what he said few years ago.

"Mingyu? Are you.... Okay?" Jennie came and asked. She was all fine. The blood servant of the vampire princes were all safe from the bloody party that Seungcheol organised for the other vampire royalties. I nodded at his question "just a little tired." she lean back on the couch.

I look at her "do you think Lisa will forgive me?" she sit straight up after hearing my question and think for a quite second "why? Did you did something wrong to her?" I shook my head.

"forget it. Of course she won't. She already know every lies in her life and she will never accept the truth."

"the truth that she wasn't blood related to you?" I raised my head in shock. She knew? I look at her with an unbelievable look "how'd you know?" she was just shrugged. Jennie played with her nails before lookimg up and start to speak again "she doesn't look alike your parents neither you. So I was guessing that maybe she's actuslly being-"

"adopted. Yes she is. It was all for her safety from her actual family that was a drinker. I was actually thinking of telling her the truth when she's already an adult but maybe that wasn't come true. It all had been exposed too early." I chuckled. I felt upset with the fact of being a such a stupid dumbass step brother. I brush my hair to the back, frustrated.

Then Jennie's hand softly patted my back, the same thing Wonwoo did few weeks ago and before this "I feel you, and I think that Lisa will forgive you. She's not that type to keep her ego drowning her. She's a strong girl and I know her as a classmate. She's a wise and a patient girl." I nodded at her statement.