Chapter 17

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"let me go! Just go to your servant!" I can feel his fangs already on the first layer of my skin. It does hurt a little since he already let it ripped little by little. The door then slammed open, Mingyu was there standing. "can you not disturb!? I'm in a mid-" he didn't finish his sentence, a fist landed right on his face. He fell down for a second so Mingyu take his chance and drag me away.

We were running like crazy "Mingyu, who's that?" he didn't let go of my hand, just hold it tight and keep on running "that's Myungho. The 10th son of vampire. You're not safe all alone now Lisa." I look at him.

We then stop at the school rooftop. Mingyu lie down for a quite second, I look up from him and saw Wonwoo there. He was walking to me, holding my face, checking if something was wrong. "he bit you a little didn't he?" I nodded. Wonwoo clenched his jaw "what the fuck is wrong with them!? They have their own servant! Why do they have to take mine! Fuck those assholes!"

"relax, Won. Don't you think of something suspicious? What is the reason behind?" Mingyu stood uo and went to Wonwoo. I was just watching them do their own discussion. I doesn't feel right ever since Hoshi bit me that night. I felt like there are something watching me.

My wrist felt a little swollen, when I take a check, there's a lot of scratches all over my left arm "guys, what is this?" they turn to me and quickly took the glance at my arm. Mingyu still examined it but there's Wonwoo "this can't be right. You're not her aren't you?" I frowned at him.

"what's wrong? Who's her?" he just walk backwards, trying to avoid me "Wonwoo you okay?" Mingyu try to reach for him but he slapped his hand before je flew away from the rooftop "WONWOO!" he didn't come back. I look at Mingyu that was there "what's wrong with him?" he just look at me blankly.







"according to my research, there's a legend saying. But before that, do you felt any pain or sting?" Rose asked. She's quite expert with all of this mysterious things and she's actually a type like me, the one who likes supernatural. I touch the scratches slightly one by one but feeling nothing.

"no. It doesn't feel anything." She nodded. We're actually went out from the school quite early since this mysterious thingy happened, the girls joined me as well. Mingyu gone to by some drinks. Rose pull out her pen and ripped one piece of paper from her notebook.

She was writing down things on the paper and look back up at me, we all look at each other "okay, as what I said, there's a legend saying that vampires especially the princes are quite weak with this one race of vampire." Jennie looks like a bit interested but at the same time keeping herself cool.

Jisoo scoot closer to hear better "what is that?" "I don't if this is true but most novels that I read so far saying that vampires are weak with this type of demon." Jisoo immediately sat back on the couch, the feeling of goosebumps running all over her body "demon?" Rose nodded.

She then drew a little bit on the piece of paper then back to us "Lisa, don't you feel a little bit odd?" I look at her and the rest of the girls with a questioning look "what? Odd? No. Why?" Rose look at the rest of the girls while pulling a sharp breath before standing up straight. "I do feel like you acted a bit odd lately."

I look at her, frowned. What is she talking about? I look at Mingyu for confirmation. He was just blankly sipping his coffee "what?" "does Lisa acting a bit weird and odd lately to you?" he look up, trying to remember something. "hmm! Yes. She usually doesn't talk much like she does before she got bit." Rose snap her fingers and give Mingyu a high five.

She then sit back down, Jisoo and Jennie jist look at each other weirdly "I was just testing. Nah, that's not odd. That's normal when someone quiet and finally have friends suddenly being talkative." she laugh at the end. The girls also giggle while Mingyu already out of breath, laughing.

"yah! Don't play around will you. This is serious stuff we're talking about here." I got all mad. They all still joked which makes me felt a bit annoyed "okay, okay enough guys. Back to business." they all acted normally again. I look at the paper that Rose scribble, it turns out just a stupid doodles.

"what? I was bored okay? Okay fine I tell you the truth, I don't know any vampire legends. I only read novels but I don't know or never confirmed the facts about it." I was too annoyed with them. Rose put her pen down and look at me, she hold my face "okay sorry about earlier but seriously I don't know. This is quite odd you know."

I look at all of them worried, seeing the long scratches on my arm makes me feel like I've been stalked for so long "I think you shouldn't worry about anything, should you? Because it's their stuff. Right, Gyu?" Jisoo asked. He just shrugged "girls, how many times do I have to tell you guys that I'm half. I don't know a thing about these vampire royalties."

I nodded, standing up about to leave but they all also got shock "where are you going, Lisa?" something is not right. Ever since Wonwoo bite me that night, something has been bothering me for the next days until today. I can't explained that. I turn to them.

"I need to discover things up. I need to know something."