Chapter 6

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"you look pretty tonight, darling." both my parents can't stop on compliment me. I don't how to react because they are kept on praising and ended up in a life conversation. While Mingyu on the other hand just keep himself quiet. He was acting weirdly lately.

Then few of my parents friends suddenly greeted them that make the caught off guard. I take this chance to ask him "psst! Mingyu!" I semi scream. He raised his head, sad expression plastered on his face. His face looks incredibly pale. "are you okay?"

He just force to smile and and nodded. I just shrugged and stand up to go to the toilet. I excuse myself to my mom and left.

After done using the toilet, I look at myself in the mirror, only to see how fine looking I am in the reflection with the coat that Wonwoo gave. He was indeed right. I giggled to myself and take out my red lipstick, I apply it a little to make sure that the colour is still there.

I put back the lipstick inside my pocket and then something shocks me when a tall figure suddenly appear at one of the cubicle. "Mingyu?" he was breathing heavily, slowly walking out of the cubicle. Heads still down "are you okay? You know you're... Not.. Supp-" I lost my words.

My heart almost dropped, legs slowly became weak. His eyes are glowing red, his fangs is sharper and more visible than before. A low growl can be heard. He's a vampire? I walk backwards only then my butt hit the sink. I was trapped.

He stand up straight, he doesn't look like the usual him I saw everyday. Mingyu looks more manly and masculine, he even looks more scarier. "you know what I want right?" my breaths hitched. I look around, then there's the door. I quickly took a big step and run towards the door but I didn't make it.

He was way faster than I am, I move backwards "Mingyu. Please, I'm your sister." he smirked, he look different. "more precisely, step sister." my steps stopped. My heart beat stops. I can't breathe properly. The time is like it's been paused by itself. I'm not his biological sister?

"w... What?" "you heard me, Lisa? I'm not your biological brother nor our parents. Or my parents. We're not even blood related." he said, doesn't even feeling guilty but only that creepy smirk plastered on his face. I gulped on my nerves. So all this long, my life was a lie.

I look at him, all body are shaking badly "I didn't treat you like a sister but treat you like my girlfriend. I want you to be my blood servant but when I realised, you have a bite mark. Which shows that there's a vampire prince that got you first. I lost." he said. I can see anger in his eyes but I wasn't afraid of that. My emotions are mixed.

Sad, afraid, angry, anxious, depressed, stressed. Everything. I was living in full of lies. He then walk closer "I'm going to claim that sweet blood of yours. I'm desperately hungry now." he lick his fangs and walk closer to me. I snapped back to reality "Mingyu please no!" he catch me and trapped me in his strong grip.

I cried, I can't afford to fight him "Mingyu, don't. You love me do you?" I try to convince him but all I heard is just a chuckled. He run his lips on my ear shell down to my neck "oh sweety. I'm too hungry to think about how much I love you. Let me get those blood first then...."

I cried helplessly "I'll love you for the rest of your lives." a hissed can be heard. I close my eyes, waiting. But nothing happened. His grip has already gone. When I open my eyes, Wonwoo was gripping his neck, Mingyu's fangs are already planted inside his arms. Veins popped out of his arms and neck "run, Lisa. I don't want that beautiful mark of mine is being touch by other people."

I obey his words and left the toilet to the occupied table of my parents. They weren't there, so I quickly take my purse and left the restaurant. The hotel was far away from my house so I ran to where ever I can.







I stop at the bus stop in front of my school. The coat has been taken off to cover my exposed thighs. It was too cold, but I can't handle the burnt in my heart. It was way more hurt, knowing that you were actually been raised with a non biological family of yours. So maybe that's why people keeps on calling me Thai girl.

Everyone in the school already knows my origin, I'm not Korean. Those hurtful and offensive words from the students and from Mingyu's mouth himself got me off guard. It hurts. It wounded my heart. It makes me paralyzed in time. I can't take it. I can't handle it.

An unknown man then sat beside me but that doesn't even stop me to cry. "I know how you felt." the guy said. I raised my head, his attire looks the same as what Wonwoo wear when I first time meeting him. But this guy wear in all black, his hear almost cover his eyes but I still can see the blue shining colour. "who are you?" I asked. He look at me.

"your worst nightmare."