Chapter 16

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Today is still the day to prepare before tonight. Tonight will be Mingyu's last prom night before he needs to focus on studies for CSAT. I'm just hanging at the stage alone with the girls "hey Lisa, I heard from a girl yesterday that you hold a black cat in the toilet. Where did you get that cat?"

Rose asked while plucking on her guitar "it just walk inside the toilet door while I was washing my face so I just cuddled it." they all nodded. A girl then approached us "Lalisa, the principal wants to meet you." the girls look at me weirdly.

Students that had been called by the prinsipal are the most problematic students ever. Weird. I didn't do anything wrong. Since I'm the top student in school, I always scored. There's no way I'm going to disappoint him. I just follow the girl.

"hey, Lalisa." I look at the girl when she called. She took a long deep breath before start speaking back "did you dated with anyone in this school?" she asked. I was shocked. I don't know what to answer so I was just shook my head "nope. Why?"

She smirk "nothing. Here we are." she immediately left afterwards, something smells fishy. What the hell anyway? I shrugged away and knock on the door. The principal's deep voice can be heard, asking me to enter. When I open the door, Wonwoo was standing there still.

I doubt something must be happening. "Ms. Kim, have a seat." I sit im front of the principal. I smell something, something bad will happen. The atmosphere in the office is really quiet and very awkward so I decided to ask "what brings me here? Is there any problem, Mr. Jang?" he chuckled and played with his pen on the table.

His fingers wriggling on to each other then he clears his throat "hmm, you are a very good, nice and a very intelligent student here in the school, Ms. Kim. So I would never expect anything bad you will do in this school." I feel very uneasy. With Wonwoo behind makes me feel very nervous and annoyed with Mr. Jang.

He stand up from his seat and slowly walking behind me "so what brings you here Ms. Kim is him." I turn around to see he was already standing beside Wonwoo. I try to not react to fast but just acting cool "what's with Won- I mean Mr. Jeon?" that was a close call. He just look at me and then to Wonwoo. He point his index finger at Wonwoo.

"do you have anything with this guy over here? Or should I say, the teacher over here?" I mentally took a deep breath before looking back Mr. Jang "do I look like I'm a type of student who likes to date?" he shook his head. Wonwoo stayed silent. It's just a conversation between me and Mr. Jang. "no you don't. You look innocent and you would do nothing like that."

"then?" I asked him back. He brush his hair to the back, holding his anger inside which I can tell "oh I see. You're psychoing me now? What if I tell you I have an evidence." my heart pumps fast. I look back at Mr. Jang, he was busy scrolling on his phone and took this chance to look at Wonwoo.

He was just shook and ask me to keep myself quiet. I obeyed and turn my head back to Mr. Jang "ah, here it is." as I watch the video, my heart dropped down. I felt like I won't be living for the next days.







Now, Mr. Jang sent to me to the counselor. Which the part I hate the most is when Mrs. Kwon started to babble he shits out from her mouth. It was something that most students that had gone to the school counselling finds it very annoying. I've never been to the counselling but I went there to express my problems but all she did was just a babbling.

"okay, Ms. Kim. I see your problems now. You never visit the counselling now cause I see you have making lots of friends but the problem now is dating. Dating someone older is not a problem, unless it's someone way older than you like you know, what you did now. You know right?"

"yes, Mrs. Kwon." I mentally scroll my eyes. She just smiled "well dating a teacher is extremely something prohibited in school. It's a part of the school's rules and government also find that a little bit inappropriate. You know what I mean? Forbidden love. Sexualization." she's become slowly annoying. I just nod to every single of her statements.

Then the door of the counselling room slowly opened. Revealing a fine looking guy, I can tell he's a vampire prince. He's attire seems same as what Wonwoo used to wear before but he seems a bit skinny than Wownoo. "yes, sir. What can I-" Mrs. Kwon didn't even finish her sentence then she passed out on the table.

I look at the guy, he was silently staring at Mrs. Kwon and turn his gaze to me. I was scared for a while "what are you doing?" he tilted his head. He grabbed my hand and pull me out of the counselling room to somewhere else. Is he saving me? I guess yes. He doesn't look like that type of vampire prince who wants to suck on my blood.

We then stopped at the empty hallway, he look at me "umm, thanks for helping me out. I should get going now." I bow to him about to leave but not until he pull my wrist and drag me inside the janitors closet. He slammed me hard on the wall and pinned me there. I screeched in pain "what the he-" "thanking me is not enough."

I already thought "then what do you want?" he smirked and raised my chin harshly "I need your blood. Thanks to Hoshi I can have you."