Chapter 22

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It's already night. Where could Lisa be? There's no way I can trace her so easily. Yiren's using her body too much, we can't even trace her. "where do you think Yiren would be? Is there any clue?" Vernon asked me while fixing his hair inside the cap. "Lisa's arm has long scratches on it. There will be also One with her and One of course wore something that is similar to vampire's outfits."

We all disguised as a normal human so we wore something that humans always wear. Just saying, humans clothes are way comfortable than our vampire attire. I don't know about others but for me, everyday clothes are quite comfortable.

"where else can we track her?" Chan asked as all of us getting tired of walking just to look for Yiren

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"where else can we track her?" Chan asked as all of us getting tired of walking just to look for Yiren. We almost give up but not until I heard something "Wonwoo! Help me....!" Lisa's voice. I didn't spare my times at the rest and just go to where that voice leads me too. It was at the empty corner in between a two building. "Wonwoo!"

Her voice is getting clearer and clearer. "argh! Help me please! Don't!" a girl screamed from the other side. My brothers already followed behind "the hell you're thinking you're doing? I thought we're doing this to-" I shushed Woozi and slowly walk to where the girl was. I signalled the others to be quiet.

When I took a peek a the corner, I was shocked. Speechless. That's Lisa. The scratches. Yiren. The guy behind her. One. They are trying to consume the soul of the girl as I can see how strong Yiren is. She just raised the girl with only one hand. "is that..... Lisa?" Seungkwan asked.

I know he was really scared. His voice tells everything. "that's not her. That's Yiren. In Lisa's body." I said, Seungcheol then scoot closer "what should we do?" he asked. I was never think of what to do or plan things very good. I look at how the girl is gasping for air, struggling to get herself out from Yiren's strong grip on her neck.

I turn to look at the others, they all are waiting for answers "we need to catch her and One. As what I know, her soul is weaker when she's in a human body so she won't be able to be as strong as she is like always. You guys know what to do right?" they all smiled and nodded to each other.

Without wasting time, Seungcheol using his super speed and grabbed One's neck. Making him hard to breath "Seungcheol!?" he only smirked at her while struggling with One "long time no see Yiren." "hyung, leave now!" as what I've told, he immediately teleported somewhere else. Maybe back to our castle to the chamber.

I can see that Yiren is quite shock and angry at the same time, her flashing red eyes tells every thing. She let the girl earlier go and she fell down on the ground. Without One's help, Yiren just a superhuman. A vampire who possessed a human body that cannot do some of the vampire things. She also seems very weak and not so well.

Dokyeom and Myungho run after her and manage to grab her and quickly disappear. The rest of us just happily cheered but that's not the end of it, I turn to them "Jeonghan, Hoshi. I need you to help me find Jisoo, Jennie and Rose. We need their help." they look confused but just obeyed. So the rest of us flew back to the castle.







I force myself to stand up, my broken nose is still aching me. Of course. A broken nose. What do you expect how it would feels like. I walk out of Wonwoo's room and went to the chamber that I used to open when I was still dumb. It's not empty but there's someone inside.

When I took a peek, there's Seungcheol chaining a guy and both Dokyeom and Myungho chaining, Lisa. But..... Why? Wonwoo then appeared with the rest of the brothers including Jisoo, Jennie and Rose. Now why the hell those girls supposed to be here too.

"Lisa? Guys, what is this?" Rose asked in a worry tone. I know she was afraid. Her expression doesn't seems like she's liking the atmosphere here. Jennie looked at Lisa closely "that's not Lisa. Her eyes is not glowing red, Lisa has hazel coloured eyes." "good thinking. She isn't really Lisa." Wonwoo said while walking closer towards the girls.

"Wonwoo! What the hell are you trying to do!?" I decided to yell, asking him. He doesn't seem like he knows what to do, all eyes were locked on me as I walk inside the chamber. The look on Wonwoo's face tells that he's in a complete anger "I'm doing what's right and reversing the mistakes you have done."

Jennie eyeing me "what did you do to Lisa? What this is all about?" she asked. She also feels like she's going to blow, I hold my pain away and stand up straight but before I can even start talking the possessed thing in Lisa's body voiced out "he just bail me out of the chamber and you should be on my side not theirs."

I find what it's right for me. Lisa doesn't deserve to be treated this way, she's innocent. It's all my fault from the start. If I didn't bring her with me on that camping night, maybe I wouldn't be a vampire and make her as a servant now. If it wasn't because of my anger, Yiren's soul never escaped the chamber if I didn't open it.

Now I have to fix things for Lisa. For my brothers. For Wonwoo. "I will never be on your side, Yiren. Even if I didn't know you, that doesn't mean you can control the whole part of my mind." I walk closer to her which leads to Dokyeom to stop me "she's dange-"

I look at him, I know I can't handle it. I smiled and let his hand off my shoulder "I know. That's why I'm confronting her now." they all were shocked until Wonwoo run up to me "hey, you don't have to act like you're the hero here. You-"

"Wonwoo, like she said. She loves you more than anybody do. Even if she said to me that she loves me, that facts never really much going to keep her from loving you more. I'm just fixing the mistake I have done years ago. On behalf of the family. On behalf of you. I didn't care if I got hurt. Or either got killed. What is important is that for you to take care of her when I'm gone."

I let his hand go and went straight to Yiren "so are you going to let me go and-" "no. I'm going to free you out from this body and never return back. That's our deal back than, isn't it?" her expression turns to a very shock one. She kept on squirming to let herself go but she can't.

I know that her unbeatable strength will never work when she's possessing someone. I took the knife that was on the table and putting the sharp blade on the skin on my wrist and began to cut my hand by drawing a long line from the wrist to the elbow. I groaned at the pain. I can hear that the girls also gasps when I did that "Mingyu!" Jennie screamed.

I look at all of them. They all felt pity, afraid, worried, shocked but that doesn't even bother me. I look at Yiren that was inside Lisa's body, cupping both her cheeks and lean forward to rest my forhead on her "I know you're in there Lisa. Somehow, you need to fight for your soul. I will no longer be with you after this so....."

I stop my words mid way, turning my head to look at Wonwoo. He was all shocked and worried. He signalled me by shaking his head for a 'no' answer. I smiled, tears run down my cheeks and turn back to Lisa "Don't let Wonwoo down, don't either lwt me down. Because I love you. Wonwoo loves you." I lean down to her neck and immediately bites her.

The kind of mixed voiced echoid the whole chamber with a painful scream. I know this is the end of me. My life. I sacrificed myself for Lisa to be with the one that she loves, Wonwoo. I know how much she loves me, she will never deny the fact that she loves Wonwoo more. Now, I can be free. I can be a part of her. Be happy Lisa for Wonwoo.