The Body Was Once Lovely (42)

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John P.O.V.

"Are you okay?" I asked from behind Ohm. He turned to face me and nodded slightly. He walked forwards to me. I could feel pain leaking off his body. Something wasn't right.

I wonder what he saw?

"John, I don't know if you should see this. No..." He stopped. "Let me rephrase that. You definitely shouldn't see this." I backed up from the door and stared at him.

While Ohm was down on the ground he was muttering, saying strange things but the only word I could pick out was...Craig. I guess I just put two and two together.

"You were mumbling." I told him. "You said his name." My eyes gazed downwards. "I know Craig's in there. I think I've come to terms with it." Smitty came up behind me and held my hand tightly. I squeezed back. It's nice to have someone by my side. Finally, I got the courage to look up at Ohm. "I'll think of this as my goodbye. Since I never got to properly say one." I released Smitty's hand and walked over to the fridge. Without hesitation I yanked open the handle and a cart slid out from the wall. The cart had something on it with a blue sheet covering it.

Of course, I already know what it is.

Who it is.

A blanket of cold covered the room as fog leaked from the door. I touched the body lightly, sadly.

"Grab the hamper." I instructed Ohm. He got it and laid it down beneath Craig. With the sheet covering his entire body I picked him up. I held him close to my chest even though his body was stone cold. His blue, faded hand landed on mine. My heart let out a pang of pity as I set him inside, making sure that no one could see his face. I released his hand and covered it as well. "Stay warm my friend." I whispered lightly.

"Inside his body is the evidence we need. Everything she tested on his body before and after his death should still be there." Evan sighed looking at us. "Once the police do an autopsy, they should be satisfied." I closed the hamper up tight and picked it off the ground. He wasn't heavy at all, kind of reminded me of the first time I held Smitty like this.

"John with your arm you shouldn't be..." I looked down. My arm was covered in dried blood and in an instant I remembered how much it was throbbing. Maybe my adrenaline rush finally wore out.

I struggled to keep the bag in my hands as my arms shook and trembled.

Dammit. I overworked my body.

A pair of pale hands wrapped around the hamper and the weight was lifted from me. The hands repositioned themselves before a head popped out from around the hamper. Smitty smiled lightly.

"I'll take him." He said quietly. "I know how much he meant to you so...I'll take good care of him." Smitty stood next to me and leaned his head on my shoulder. I saw Ohm shift a little bit. He seemed, confused or something. Whatever it was I should ask him about it later. I bent down and kissed Smit's forehead, watching a blush dust his cheeks.

"Alright. Cartoonz, grab the bitch and let's get out of here!" Luke slung my mother over his shoulder and began to walk towards the door.

"We should take the long way. The boss' elevator isn't going to fit all of us." Evan pointed towards the door. "Just run straight, we'll be out of here in no time!" Delirious ran out first, with Evan clutching to his chest. Nogla and Lui ran out next carrying some other files I didn't recognize. They actually had several.

Strange...what are those?

Cartoonz and Ohm went out side by side, whispering about something. That left Smitty and I alone in the room. He was holding the bag and was about to walk out when I stopped him.

"Hey Smit?"

"Yes John?"

"You're not going to leave me right?" I traced his lips all the way to his eyes. He narrowed them and gave me a stern look.

I feel like I have a right to be worried about it. Craig left me...

"If both my legs were broken I would crawl to get to you." He stated, turning and walking out of the room. I followed close behind him. "If something ate me I would crawl out of its stomach to get back to you. If a cement wall stood between you and me..." He paused to look over his shoulder. "I'd find a way to break through it." He stopped and looked me dead in my eyes. "So don't you ever ask that again. I'm not going anywhere, because I'm in love with you and no matter what I am staying by your side wether you like it or not."

And with that, he caught up to the rest of the group, leaving me running behind him.

"Hey wait asshole! I didn't get to say I love you too!"
Smitty really pulling out the bars
Also in case you didn't know we are nearing the end of the book. That is why my chapters are getting out quicker and why everything is moving faster in general. I am excited for the end! But sad it will be ending.
Anyways, before the story is over (there is a few more chapters) I wanted to tell you guys to check out my bio on my page. It has information on how to find me on discord and my discord server. You can contact me through one or the other I don't care.
If you just want to talk or tell me what you think of the book/criticism I'd be glad to listen. Don't feel pressured or anything!
If you're having a rough day or just want to tell me I suck I am happy to hear from you! ;)

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