Chapter 4

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Tori's Pov
    I wake up feeling something shift next to me. I open my eyes to see that Jade is next to me, alseep. Her arms are around my waist. I smile and sit up, carefully I get out of her arms and leave my room.
    I see Trina sitting on the couch scrolling on her phone.
   "Tori." She said quietly, not even looking up.
   "Hey Trina, how was your date?" I asked sitting next to her. She glared at me for a second then back down at ger phone.
   "Tori, why is Jade in your room? Sleeping in your bed. Why was she cuddling you?" She asked me, vemon lacing her voice.
   "She was upset and needed someone to be there for her, seeing as Beck is no longer an option she came to me. She fell asleep watching the Scissoring so i helped her upstairs and we went to bed and i woke up with her cuddling me." I said, not wanting to put up with my big sisters shit.
    "Okay.. Tori," She put her phone down. "Beck said you were Bi. Is that true?" She asked me. I nodded slightly. Ow fuck! Trina just slapped me.
   "What the hell was that for?" I yelled at Trina. She stepped back and was fuming.
    "You gross fag! Grab Jade and get the hell outta here." She yelled, I nodded and quickly went upstairs.
I packed a bag quietly, filling it up as much as i could before i woke Jade up.

    "Jade, wake up. Please" I said trying to get her up, she mumbled a sure and sat up, rubbing her eyes. She got up and put on her shoes.
   "Why did I need to get up?" She asked walking over to me.
  "Trina's kicking me out. She slapped me then kicked me out." I explained putting on my shoes.

    Once I was done, Jade and I walked downstairs. Holding hands. Trina was pacing the living room.
  "Goodbye Trina." I said coldly, as Jade and I went to the door.
   "Get the hell out you fags. Or do I need to beat you more?" She growled.
  Yeah, I've never mentioned this but Trina beats me. It's why I try to not hang out here. Jade let go of my hand and walked over to Trina. She slapped Trina and pinned her to the wall.

Jades Pov
   I'm done. Trina crossed the line, I walked over to her and slapped her. Hard. I pinned her to the wall and leaned close to her ear and whispered.
    "You have 5 seconds to leave and never come back. Understand? And if you ever lay another hand on Tori I will personally hunt you down." She nodded. I let her go, she grabbed her phone and ran out the door.
    "Tori, go put your stuff away. She won't be coming back anytime soon." I said facing Tori, who had tears in her eyes. "What's wrong?" I asked her. She ran to me and hugged me close.
   "Thank you Jade. Thank you so so much." She said, letting go.
   "You're welcome but please tell me everything that she's done." I said pulling her to the couch.

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