Chapter 14

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Beck's POV
     Trina and I are laying in my RV spooning, watching a show called The Fosters. Its okay, I guess.
     She keeps pushing her ass into my crotch. I grab her hips and pull her as close as I can. I kiss her neck slowly and softly, speeding up over time.
    Eventually our shirts came off, followed by pants and undergarments.
     We had sex. Very.. enjoyable sex.. the sound of the rain hitting the roof made it even better. Forget Jade, I want Trina and only Trina.
"Beck," I looked over at Trina. "Round 2?" I smiled and nodded.


Jade's POV
      I was being weak and I hate it. Absolutely hate it, but Tori was so sweet, soft and caring. I felt safe with her.. I love her so fucking much.
      "Tori." She looked at me. "Thank you.. for this." She smiled and kissed me softly.
     "No problem. I'll always be here for you." She said, "Always." She held me tighter
    "I know.. I love you, Tori." I mumbled, cuddling her more.
     "I love you too, Jadey." She tells me. I smile slightly shaking my head. I tilt my head up a little and look at her.
     She is so.. Perfect. Her eyes are so beautiful, her cheekbones are literal perfection.
   And her lips. God her fucking lips are amazing. So soft. I love how gentle she is when she kisses me it is the best thing in the world.
    "Jade?" I shake my head lightly the look back at Tori.
     "You were staring." She tells me. Dammit.
    "Sorry. I zoned out thinking." I apologized looking away from her.
   "Don't be, its fine. What were you think about?" She questioned me.
    "Just how perfect you are." I smirked. She just shook her head and laughed almost silently.
    "I am far from perfect." She tried to tell me. But I just softly placed my hand on her cheek, I kiss her. She kisses back happily.
   "You are very much so perfect to me." I said into the kiss. "And I love you, whether you think so or not." I pulled away to see her smiling.
    "Okay.." I smiled at her. My tummy growls a little.
   "C'mon, let go get food." She spoke, getting up and pulling me with her despite my complaints about being comfy.

   After we ate dinner, we laid in bed, just cuddling. She put on a random movie, giving us background noise.
   By that I mean we were staring at each other just smiling. Just being us. Tori looked away first with a light blush on her tan skin. I looked out the window and saw a rainbow. I hate rainbows.
      "Babe, what are you looking at?" She questioned. I shook my head and closed my eyes, laying my head on her chest.
   Her heartbeat lulling pulls me into a nice restful sleep. Little did I know, it'd be the nicest sleep I'd have for a while.

Jori -  Secret Love (FINISHED)Where stories live. Discover now