Chapter 17

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Jade's POV

     Tori and I make out for awhile, just being us. She pulls away from our kiss, taking soft breaths.
     "I love you Jade." She whispers. She gets off of me but lays to my left.
     "Well good golly, I sure do have strong feelin's for you, Jade!" I playfully mock Tori. She looks at me, with a pout planted on her face. I smiled at her and kissed the pout away. "I love you too, Tori." I tell her as i get off her bed.
      "W-where are you going?" She asks me, grabbing my hand. I pull her up with me.
       "Grabbing some food for us, Babygirl." I tell her. "Well, me some food. Unless.. do you want something to eat?" She swiftly nods her head.
      "Okay, I was going to run to McDonald's. You coming with or you staying?" I asked her while grabbing a  hoodie.
     "Going with you." She quickly stated, slipping on her shoes. We are both wearing the hoodies we have each other, I grab my wallet and her hand.
     We go downstairs, leaving. I drive us to McDonald's, while Tori sings in the passenger seat. The song is called Happy, it's by someone named Gabbie Hanna. I've never heard of her but she sounds great.
      When we pull up to the drive through and order our food.


     When we get home, we both have finished our food.
    Inside I fall onto the couch, feeling very tired all of a sudden. Tori sits next to my head, places my head on her lap. Running her hands through my hair, she starts humming a song.          It's 'Time to Dance' by Panic! at the disco, One if my favorites from 'A Fever You Can't Sweat Out.'
     "Jade, are you feeling okay?" Tori asked me.
     "Yeah why?" I'm confused. She places the back of her hand on my forehead.
     "You're burning up." She removed her hand.
     "Huh. I feel-!" I sneeze mid sentence, "fine." I sat up off of Vega. "Fuck, I hate being sick!" I growled.

    Okay, I was going to update a different story but I realised I had almost finished this one. So I put out this one, the other one will be out fairly soon!
I love you all!!!

Jori -  Secret Love (FINISHED)Where stories live. Discover now