Chapter 15

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Summer Break

Jade's POV
        It's May 31st, tomorrow is Pride month. Tori and I are going to the cities parade, Andre, Cat, and Robbie are joining us so we aren't alone.
        Right now, I'm laying in Tori's bed with her cuddling me while she sleeps. We were watching a movie and she fell asleep, but me being me, I'm still awake.
      "J-jade.." I look down at my sleeping girlfriend. Or at least I thought she was sleeping, her beautiful brown eyes were looking up at me.
       "What's up, baby?" I ask quietly. She looked away from me as tears flooded her eyes.
       "Why do you love me?" She asks me. I look at her in disbelief.
      I grabbed her hand and started talking. "I love you because you have a kind heart. You were always so good to me, even when I was a total bitch. You were always there for me when I needed someone." I sat up and faced her. "You are the most kindest most beautiful person I know." Tears were streaming down her face, I softly wiped her tears away.
      "Jade.." She whispered. I kisses her cheek and laid us down.
"Now why? Why ask that question?" I asked her quietly.
     "Just me being insecure, I just keep seeing other girls and guys who look so much better than me." She said moving closer to me. I wrapped my arms around her tightly.
    "They aren't better looking than you. You are the most beautiful person I have ever seen. And too be honest, you're nothing like them." I kissed her softly and quickly. "You are mine. They are not." She smiled at me and pushed her lips to mine.
    "I love you Jade." She said to me while we were getting dressed for bed.
    "I love you too, Tori. Now, straight to bed or watch a movie and cuddle?" I asked my wonderful girlfriend. She turned to face me, smiling. She is now wearing a pair of shorts, a tight tanktop and her glasses.
     "Movie and cuddles!" She giggled and jumped onto the bed. I turned away from her and removed my long sleeved shirt to replace it with my favorite hoodie.
     This hoodie is my favorite because Tori gave it to me on our first date. It's a lavender purple, I gave her a dark grey one. The one she gave me has a small hole on it's side, she likes to poke me through. My absolute favorite thing is that our initials are stitched into the sleeve.
    I slipped out of my leggings and put on sweats. Tori was literally shaking with excitement.
    "What movie, Babygirl?" I asked going to her movie collection.
    "Umm Spider-Man Far from Home?" She requested. I grabbed the movie and put in the the DVD player. I sat on the edge of the bed watching the movie.
     I heard Tori whimper. I looked back at her to see her looking at me with a pout on her lips. I raised an eyebrow at her.
      "You said that we could cuddle." She whined. I crawled up to her and laid on her. She smiled and held me there, her hand was messing with my hair and her other hand was rubbing my back. I was mindlessly tracing patterns on her arm and hand, I fell asleep quickly.

    I bolt awake, sweating. Sweating. I dont sweat. A nightmare, a very bad one at that.
     Tori is passed out. I slip out of bed and leave the room, I started pacing the living room downstairs away from Tori.
     I looked out the window and saw very dark clouds rolling in, over the full moon. As thunder shook the house I sat on the couch, thinking of my nightmare.
    I was running in the woods, Tori chasing me. We were laughing and having a good time, I was taking her to a clearing i found when I was a little girl.
   Once we were there, I got down on my knee and asked her.
    "Tori Vega, I love you more than life itself. I want you to be in my life forever," I pulled out a little black box.
    "Will you marry me?" I asked. She smiled and shook her head softly and laughed.
   "You honestly thought I loved you? God, you're pathetic, I never fucking loved you." She spoke. She turned away and walked off.
     I felt my heart break into a million little pieces. I love her and she didn't love me.

    "Jade? What are you doing down here?" Tori's voice rang through my head. I looked up and saw her, she was wearing the hoodie I gave her.
    "It's storming, let's go upstairs." I shook my head and looked away. She stumbled her way too me and sat next to me.
    I got up and moved away from her.
"Babe. What's wrong?" I looked at her, she had just noticed the tears going down my face. She got up and ran to me, pulling me into a hug.
    I gave in and hugged her. She led us upstairs as it started pouring rain. We sat on the bed, me leaning on her and crying.
    "Jade. Look at me." Tori says firmly. I winced at her tone but complied. "Love, why were you downstairs?" I mumbled a short 'nightmare.' "Oh.. you could have woken me up." I shook my head. "It was about me. Wasn't it?" I nodded.

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