Chapter 11

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Jade's POV

Tori and I walk into school, holding hands. No one really cares.. well other then Beck and Trina.
"Last night was so fun, babe." I heard Trina say. I looked over to see her and Beck by his locker.
"Jade?" I looked at Tori to see her smirking, "what do you wanna bet they had sex last night?" She finished, I laughed softly.
"Yeah, they totally did."


In Sikowitz's class, we did an impov. Cat and Tori had to play best friends arguing over a guy, who Andre played.
"JADE!" Sikowitz yelled.
"WHAT!" I yelled back just as loud, making a few kids jump.
"You and Tori. Stage, now." He said, smiling. I got up there with Tori following me. "You two are going to play a couple, who are arguing about where to have a date. Begin!"

"Jade, why can't we have a stay at home date?" Tori asked me, sounding hurt. Damn, she's good.
"Because Vega, those are lame and for losers. We are going to a restaurant for our date." I said bitterly.
She started to pout and tear up. "Please, Jade? Just this once?" She said starting to cry.
"No." I told her firmly.

"Thats enough. Stop. Tori good job on the tears. Jade still a gank as always, perfect." Sikowitz said, "Go have a seat."
I grabbed Tori's hand and wiped her tears away. Leaning close to her ear, i smirked.
"Home dates are amazing." I pulled away and walked us to our seats.
"Can we have a home date later?" She asked me, her voice full of hope. I nodded and kissed her softly.
"Jade, kiss your girlfriend on your own time." Our teacher said.
"Oh, I will."

Tori's Pov
"Tori." I heard someone say. I turned to see Trina. I tensed up and stared at her.
"Trina.." I said quietly.
"Where's your little bodyguard, Hmm?" She questioned me. I saw Jade come up behind her, with a scowl on her face.
"I-i don't know w-where she is." I stammered. Trina smiled and threw a punch that never connected to me.
Jade had held her arm back.
"J-jade.. wha-!" Trina couldn't finish before Jade slapped her.
She fell to the ground. Well kinda, Jade still has a hold of her arm so she's being held up by her arm. Jade crouched down.
"I warned you to never hurt her or try to. And look what you just did. I oughta handle you now, but no. I will make your life a living hell." Jade said, letting Trina up. "Understood?"
"Y-yeah." And with that, Trina was gone.
"You okay, Babygirl?" Jade asked, walking to me.
"Yeah. Thank you, Jade." I told her.

Hey kiddos
Good? Its been a while since I've gotten a nice chapter out but I hope you enjoyed
-Parent unit

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